Answer Yes To Jesus – Hymn Lyric
Are you ready to answer “Yes” to Jesus and follow his commands with a loving spirit every day? By surrendering our talents and abilities to his service, we can labor for his glory and trust in his guidance. Let’s commit to faithfully serving the One who loves us and find joy in being his chosen ones.
Table of Contents
Answer Yes To Jesus – Hymn Lyric
Answer “Yes” to Jesus,
His commands obey;
With a loving spirit
Serve him ev’ry day;
Toil within his vineyard,
Fight the fight of faith,
Go where’er he bids you,
Do whate’er he saith.
Answer “Yes” to Jesus,
Harken to his call;
To his blessed service
Consecrate your all.
Answer “Yes” to Jesus
In life’s op’ning hours,
To the Master yielding
All your blood-bought pow’rs.
Let not courage falter,
Let not faith grow dim;
All upon the altar
Freely yield to him.
Answer “Yes” to Jesus
Faithful be and true
To this dear Redeemer
Who has died for you.
To the One who loves you
Ev’ry talent give;
Labor for the Master,
To his glory live.
Answer “Yes” to Jesus:
You are his by right;
In His royal service
Find your chief delight.
He who hath redeemed you
By your side will stand
Till you reach the border
Of the shining land.
Meaning of Answer Yes To Jesus
Are you ready to answer “Yes” to Jesus and follow his loving commands? It’s a joyful decision to serve him with a loving spirit each and every day. Just like tending to a vineyard, we must work diligently in the kingdom of God and keep the faith no matter what challenges come our way.
When we answer “Yes” to Jesus, we are committing to harken to his call and dedicate our lives to his service. It’s important to surrender all our talents and abilities to him, laboring for his glory in everything we do. And when we feel our courage faltering or our faith growing dim, we can trust that he will be by our side, guiding us to the shining land.
In life’s early stages, it’s crucial to yield all our blood-bought powers to the Master and consecrate our all to his blessed service. Let us not hold back in our devotion to Jesus, but freely offer everything we have to him. Just like a loyal servant to his dear Redeemer, we must be faithful and true to the One who has given everything for our salvation.
Let us not be afraid to answer “Yes” to Jesus, finding our greatest delight in serving him with all our heart. With his love guiding us, we can go where he leads us and do whatever he asks of us. In return, we will experience the joy and fulfillment that come from being in his royal service.
So, let’s make the decision today to answer “Yes” to Jesus, trusting in his unfailing love and committing to live for his glory. Together, we can walk in faith, serve wholeheartedly, and rejoice in the blessing of being his chosen ones. Thank you, Lord, for calling us to your service. Amen.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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