Roll It Off On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Roll it off on Jesus and find peace in his everlasting love. Lean on his strength and let go of your worries. Trust in Jesus to lighten your load.

Roll It Off On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

When life feels overwhelming, remember to “Roll It Off On .” Trust in his love and find peace in his comforting presence. Lean on Jesus for strength and relief from your – he is always near and ready to .


Roll It Off On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Roll it off on Jesus,
All thy load of ;
He will lift it from ,
Breathing peace within;
Ev’ry haunting mem’ry,
Ev’ry gloomy fear,
to him, thy Saviour,
He is ever near.

Roll it off, roll it off,
Too great for thee to bear;
Roll it off, roll it off,
All thy load of care;
Roll it off on Jesus,
Lean upon his breast,
He is calling,
“Come and rest.”

Roll it off on Jesus,
Ev’ry pressing grief;
He will sweetly comfort,
He will give relief;
Cometh from above,
There is grace to help us
In his wondrous love.

Roll it off, roll it off,
Too great for thee to bear;
Roll it off, roll it off,
All thy load of care;
Roll it off on Jesus,
Lean upon his breast,
He is calling,
“Come and rest.”

Roll it off on Jesus,
Ev’ry heart-request;
Bring him thy petitions,
For he knoweth best;
He who marks thy pathway,
He who bears thy care
Hath the pow’r and wisdom,
He will answer pray’r.

Roll it off, roll it off,
Too great for thee to bear;
Roll it off, roll it off,
All thy load of care;
Roll it off on Jesus,
Lean upon his breast,
He is calling,
“Come and rest.”


Meaning of Roll It Off On Jesus

We all have things that weigh us down, whether it’s our worries, our fears, or our mistakes. It can feel like we’re carrying a heavy load on our shoulders, unable to find relief. But the good news is that we don’t have to bear these burdens alone. We have someone who is always ready to help us, someone who is always near and to lighten our load. That someone is Jesus.

The hymn “Roll It Off On Jesus” reminds us that we can bring all our troubles to Jesus and find peace in his loving arms. When we feel weighed down by sin, by grief, or by any other hardship, we can turn to Jesus and trust that he will lift our burdens and give us comfort. We don’t have to carry our worries by ourselves; we can lean on Jesus and find rest in his presence.

Jesus is always there for us, ready to to our prayers and offer us his grace and love. He knows our hearts and our needs better than anyone else, and he is always willing to help us in our time of need. When we feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges, we can turn to Jesus and trust that he will answer our prayers and give us the strength to persevere.

So when life gets tough and the burdens feel too heavy to bear, remember the words of this hymn: “Roll it off on Jesus.” Trust in his love, lean on his strength, and find comfort in his presence. Let go of your worries, your fears, and your regrets, and them in the hands of Jesus. He is always ready to help you, always ready to lighten your load. So roll it off on Jesus, and find peace in his everlasting love.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Roll it off on Jesus and find peace in his everlasting love. Lean on his strength and let go of your worries. Trust in Jesus to lighten your load.


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