Did You Ever Think How Jesus Left The Glory-World Above – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us. He left heaven to save us with love

Did You Ever Think How Jesus Left The Glory-World Above – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever stopped to about the amazing sacrifice Jesus made for us? He left the of heaven to come down to earth and save us from our sins with his . What a he is! His love for us knows no bounds, and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. Take some time to reflect on his kindness and honor our Savior who guides us with his Holy Spirit.


Did You Ever Think How Jesus Left The Glory-World Above – Hymn Lyric

Did you ever think how Jesus
Left the glory-world above,
That from sin He might release us
By His proffered hand of love?
Yes, He came that all creation
In His grace might have a part-
Tasted death for every nation,
Thus to make them pure in heart.

What a Savior!
What a Savior!
Wondrous love to mortals lost!
What a Savior!

Did you ever think He suffers
For the world in sin today?
That He knows the gilded offers
Made to lead their hearts ?
Yes, He knows it all, and gladly
Comforts those who tell their care,
While His gentle Holy Spirit
Guides their feet in paths so fair.


Ponder well the acts of Jesus,
Think upon His kindness great,
And of all His words so
Oft the relate.
Let us all revere our Savior,
Worship at His holy shrine,
Let our hearts implore His favor,
As we see His beauty shine.



Meaning of Did You Ever Think How Jesus Left The Glory-World Above

Have you ever stopped to think about the amazing sacrifice Jesus made for us? He left the glory of heaven to come down to earth and save us from our sins with his love. It’s truly incredible to consider how much he cares for each and every one of us.

Jesus came to earth so that all of creation could have a part in his grace. He even tasted death for all nations so that we could be made pure in heart. What a Savior he is! His love for us knows no bounds, and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.

Did you ever think about the fact that Jesus continues to suffer for the world’s sins today? He knows the temptations and offers that lead our hearts astray, yet he still comforts us and guides us with his Holy Spirit. What a comfort it is to that we have a Savior who understands our struggles and is always there to help us through them.

Take some time to ponder the incredible acts of Jesus and reflect on his kindness. His words are so precious and his story is one that we should never grow tired of hearing. Let’s honor and worship our Savior, seeking his favor as we bask in the beauty of his love and grace.

So, next time you find yourself feeling lost or alone, remember that Jesus left the glory-world above to be with us. He is our Savior, our comforter, and our guide through ‘s ups and downs. Let his love shine bright in your heart, and may you always feel his presence by your side. What a Savior we have in Jesus!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us. He left heaven to save us with love, guiding us through life's struggles. What a Savior we have in Jesus!


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