How Can I Live Without Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love and protection of Jesus in this inspiring hymn. Find strength and hope in his unwavering presence as your Rock and Fortress. Trust in his mercy and never face life's challenges alone. Live

How Can I Live Without Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “How Can I Live Without Jesus,” we are reminded of the and protection that Jesus provides. Jesus is our Rock, our Hope, and our constant companion through life’s challenges. Without Jesus, we would be lost – he is our strength, our comfort, and our Friend. Trust in his mercy, hold onto your faith, and know that with Jesus by your side, you are never alone.


How Can I Live Without Jesus – Hymn Lyric

How can I live without Jesus?
My Rock and my Fortress is he;
I’m trusting alone in his mercy;
He ever my Saviour will be.

How can I live, how can I live,
How can I live without Jesus?
He is my Rock, He is my Hope!
How can I live without Jesus?

How can I bear without Jesus
The storms that encompass me here?
For tho’ in the darkest mid-ocean,
He speaks, “It is I, do not fear.”

How can I live? how can I work?
How can I bear, without Jesus?
He is my Strength, Comfort and Song!
How can I bear without Jesus?

How can I hope without Jesus,
For he is my Star?
His blood that hath bought my salvation,
Brought me nigh who once was afar.

How can I hope, how can I hope,
How can I hope without Jesus?
His blood alone can guilt atone;
How can I hope without Jesus?

How can I die without Jesus?
He’ll be with me the end;
He never will leave nor forsake me,
My loving, unchangeable Friend.

How can I die, how can I die,
How can I die without Jesus?
Jesus, my Rock! Jesus, my Hope!
How can I die without Jesus?


Meaning of How Can I Live Without Jesus

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and protection that Jesus provides for us. As we go through life’s challenges and uncertainties, we can find strength and comfort in knowing that Jesus is always by our side.

The verses of the hymn speak of Jesus as our Rock, Fortress, and Saviour. Just like a sturdy rock provides stability and security, Jesus is there to support us through the ups and downs of life. When we trust in his mercy and have faith in his , we can navigate any storm that comes our way.

It can be overwhelming to about facing life’s struggles without Jesus. How can we live, work, and bear the obstacles that surround us without his constant presence and love? The answer is simple – we can’t. Jesus is our Strength, Comfort, and Song. He gives us the courage and resilience to keep moving forward, even when the path ahead seems daunting.

Hope is another key theme in the hymn. Jesus is described as the bright Morning Star, a symbol of beginnings and endless possibilities. Through his sacrifice and grace, we are brought closer to salvation and redemption. No matter how dark and hopeless our situation may seem, Jesus offers us a glimmer of hope and a promise of a brighter tomorrow.

As we face the inevitable reality of death, we can take solace in the fact that Jesus will never leave us. He is our constant companion, our loving and unchangeable Friend. With Jesus by our side, we can approach the end of our earthly journey with peace and assurance, knowing that we will be welcomed into his eternal embrace.

So, how can we live without Jesus? The answer is clear – we can’t. He is our source of strength, hope, and comfort. He is the that keeps us grounded in the midst of life’s chaos. As we meditate on the words of this hymn, let us be reminded of the unwavering presence of Jesus in our lives. May we continue to trust in his mercy, hold fast to our faith, and rejoice in the knowledge that we are never alone. Jesus, our Rock and our Hope, is with us now and forevermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love and protection of Jesus in this inspiring hymn. Find strength and hope in his unwavering presence as your Rock and Fortress. Trust in his mercy and never face life's challenges alone. Live, hope, and find comfort with Jesus by your side.


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