Hark The Gospel News Is Sounding – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joyful message of the Gospel - Christ's love and mercy are freely available to all. Find refuge in Him today

Hark The Gospel News Is Sounding – Hymn Lyric

Hark! The news is sounding loud and clear, inviting all to come and receive the grace and of Jesus Christ. This beautifully reminds us of the endless supply of love and forgiveness available to us through our Savior’s sacrifice on the cross. So let’s not delay, but look to Jesus and find refuge in Him, embracing the fullness of His love both now and for all eternity.


Hark The Gospel News Is Sounding – Hymn Lyric

Hark! the gospel news is sounding,
Christ has suffered on the tree;
Streams of mercy are abounding,
Grace for all is rich and ;
Now poor sinner,
Look to him who died for thee.

O escape to yonder mountain,
Refuge find in him today!
Christ invites you to the fountain,
Come and wash your sins ;
Do not tarry,
Come to Jesus while you may.

Grace is flowing like a river,
Millions there have been supplied;
Still it flows as fresh as ever
From the Saviour’s wounded side;
None need perish,
All may live for Christ hath died.

Christ alone be our portion;
Soon we hope to meet above;
Then we’ll bathe in the full ocean
Of the great redeemer’s love;
All his fulness
We shall then for ever prove.


Meaning of Hark The Gospel News Is Sounding

Hark! Can you hear the joyful news echoing all around? It’s the gospel message, telling us of the amazing love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This hymn reminds us that no matter who we are or what we’ve done, there is mercy and forgiveness for us in Christ.

The lyrics speak of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, where He suffered and died to pay the price for our sins. It’s like a beautiful, never-ending stream of mercy, freely available to all who turn to Him in faith. So if you’re feeling burdened by your mistakes, don’t worry – there is grace for you, too. Just look to Jesus and find the refuge and peace you’ve been searching for.

Imagine a mountain, high and strong, offering safety and protection from life’s storms. That’s what Jesus offers us – a safe haven where we can find rest and healing for our souls. His invitation to come to Him is like a gentle stream, calling us to come and be cleansed from our sins. Don’t hesitate or delay; come to Jesus now and let Him wash away all that separates you from Him.

The hymn paints a beautiful picture of grace flowing like a river, never running dry, always available for us to drink deeply from. Countless people have been refreshed and renewed by this endless supply of love and mercy that flows from Jesus’ wounded side. And the best part is, there is more than enough for everyone – no one has to be left out or forgotten. All are welcome to come and receive the gift of salvation that Christ offers.

As we look ahead to the future, we can hold onto the hope that one day we will be united with Christ in heaven. Just of the joy and wonder we will experience as we bask in the fullness of His love for all eternity. It’s a promise we can cling to, a bright light shining in the darkness of this world. So let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, our Savior and our , knowing that He alone is our true source of hope and comfort.

So, dear friend, as you go about your day, remember the good news of the gospel that is sounding all around you. Christ has died for you, offering forgiveness and grace beyond measure. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back – come to Him, accept His gift of salvation, and experience the abundant life He has prepared for you. Let His love wash over you like a cleansing stream, filling you with peace and joy that can only come from Him. And when you feel overwhelmed or lost, remember that Christ is always there, waiting with open arms to welcome you home. Embrace His infinite love and let it transform your life today and always. Hark! The gospel news is sounding – will you listen and respond?


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joyful message of the Gospel - Christ's love and mercy are freely available to all. Find refuge in Him today, for grace abounds for all who seek. Hark the Gospel News Is Sounding!


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