Hear What The Voice From Heaven Declares – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort in the promise of eternal life as you hear what the voice from heaven declares. Rejoice in the victory over death through Christ. Sing to our Life

Hear What The Voice From Heaven Declares – Hymn Lyric



Hear What The Voice From Heaven Declares – Hymn Lyric

Hear what the voice from heaven declares
To those in Christ who die:
Released from all their earthly cares,
They’ll reign with Him on high.

Then why lament departed friends,
Or shake at death’s alarms?
Death’s but the servant Jesus sends
to call us to His arms.

If sin be pardon’d, we’re secure,
Death hath no sting beside;
The law sin its strength and power,
But Christ, our Ransom, died.

The of all His saints He bless’d,
When in the grave He lay:
And, rising thence, their hopes He raised
To day.

Then , while we have,
To Christ, our Life, we’ll sing,
“Where is thy , O grave?
And where, O death, they sting?”


Meaning of Hear What The Voice From Heaven Declares

Hear What the Voice from Heaven Declares: Finding Comfort in the Promise of Eternal Life

In times of sorrow and loss, it is natural to lament the departure of loved ones. The grief we experience can be overwhelming and the fear of death can shake us to our core. However, it is important for us to remember the message that the voice from heaven declares to those who are in Christ and have passed away.

According to the hymn in the Protestant Episcopal Church , when believers in Christ die, they are released from all their earthly cares and will reign with Him on high. This powerful message reminds us that death is not the end but rather a passage into a glorious existence with our and Savior.

Instead of succumbing to the fear and sorrow that death can bring, we are encouraged to find solace in the fact that death is nothing more than a servant that Jesus sends to call us into His loving arms. This perspective shifts our focus from the tragedy of death to the hope and assurance of eternal life.

We can take comfort in the knowledge that if our sins are pardoned, we are secure. Death holds no power over us because Jesus, through His sacrificial death on the cross, has removed its sting. The hymn emphasizes that it was the law that gave sin its strength and power, but Christ, our Ransom, died to save us from its clutches. His victory over sin and death grants us the freedom to embrace life without fear.

The hymn further emphasizes the blessedness of the grave for all the saints of God. Just as Jesus was laid in the grave and rose again, so too are the believers who sleep in death blessed. The grave becomes a temporary resting place, from which their hopes are raised to everlasting day. This depiction of death as a transient state rather than a final destination fills us with hope and reassurance.

In light of these promises, the hymn urges us to rejoice and sing to Christ, our Life. We are reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:55, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” Through Christ’s resurrection, He has triumphed over death, rendering it powerless in the face of our eternal hope.

As we reflect on these profound truths, we are encouraged to approach life with a joyful spirit. Though we may still experience grief and loss, we can find solace in the knowledge that death is not the end. It is merely a transition into the loving embrace of our Savior.

In times of mourning, it is important for us to remember the message of this hymn. We can find comfort in the assurance that our departed loved ones are now freed from and sorrow, reigning with Christ in heavenly glory. While we may miss their presence in our lives, we can rest in the hope that we will one day be reunited with them in everlasting joy.

Let us hold on to the promises of eternal life and embrace the truth that death is not to be feared but rather seen as a servant that leads us to our heavenly home. May the words of this hymn remind us that our true victory lies in our faith in Christ and His victory over sin and death.

In conclusion, as we navigate the challenges of life and face the inevitable reality of death, let us find comfort in the voice from heaven. Let us not lament departed friends, but instead, rejoice in the knowledge that they have been called into the loving arms of our Savior. With faith as our guide, we can confidently face death, knowing that it holds no power over us. Let us sing joyfully to Christ, our Life, proclaiming that death has lost its sting. As we do so, we can find solace, hope, and ultimately, eternal peace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort in the promise of eternal life as you hear what the voice from heaven declares. Rejoice in the victory over death through Christ. Sing to our Life, Jesus.


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