Brother In Christ Thy Heart Prepare – Hymn Lyric

Prepare Your Heart in Christ: Reflect on His Love

Brother In Christ Thy Heart Prepare – Hymn Lyric



Brother In Christ Thy Heart Prepare – Hymn Lyric

Brother in Christ! thy heart prepare,
Gird up thy loins, and mount with me
In soul yon blood-stained heights, to share
The sight which angels wondering see;

Hear on this spot of holy ground
Thy Savior’s dying words resound,
And take to their strength divine;
For they can richest solace lend
Through -yea, and when life shall end,
Such only comfort shall be thine.

O loving heart! O pitying eyes
Such look that on His murderers threw!
“Forgive,” amidst His pain He cries,
“They know not, Father, what they do.”

Lover of men, Thy suppliant
Ascends for those who nail Thee there,
Who on Thy grief with mockeries gaze.
O man, by vengeful passions driven,
Behold thy bright Example given,
And pray as thy Redeemer prays.

What pattern of affection large,
When, rising thousand pangs above,
He recommends the filial charge
To the disciple of His love!

Must I my own beloved ones see
Weep round my dying bed for me,
This word shall sweetest comfort bring;
To Him, whose latest mandate
Cared for the friends He left behind,
Shall those I leave for succor cling.

Ho! sin-sick , dispel your fears!
Trust and be saved, in Christ confide:
Hear how the world’s Redeemer cheers
The contrite sinner by His side.

He saith, consoling, “Thou shalt be
Today in paradise with Me;”
Such light at ‘s dark gate be mine!
So may I hear Thy strengthening voice;
Such watchword sweet my soul rejoice
When in the last dread strife I join.

How sharp the sin-avenging rod
That urged Him, hanging on the tree,
Loudly to cry, “My God, My God,
Wherefore hast Thou forsaken Me?”

Yet thus, in nature’s weakest hour,
When o’er His soul hath power,
His heart’s firm trust is unforgot.

I too the cup of grief shall drain;
My sinking soul shall cry, through pain,
“O God, my God, forsake me not!”


Meaning of Brother In Christ Thy Heart Prepare

Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us prepare our hearts for a journey together. It is a journey to the blood-stained heights where our Savior suffered and died for us. This hymn invites us to reflect on the powerful and comforting words spoken by Jesus as He hung on the . Let us take these words to heart, for they hold the strength to sustain us through all of life’s challenges.

In this hymn, we are reminded of Jesus’ incredible love and . Even as He endured excruciating pain, He cried out to His Father, asking for forgiveness for those who crucified Him. His love for humanity knows no bounds, and His plea for mercy exemplifies the depth of His love. What a beautiful example for us to follow! When faced with those who wrong us, may we learn from Jesus and pray for their wellbeing, just as He did for His persecutors.

As we to meditate on these profound words, we encounter Jesus’ care and concern for His disciples. Even in His darkest hour, Jesus entrusted the care of His loved ones to His dear disciple. How touching it is to think that Jesus not only bore the weight of the world on His shoulders but also took the time to ensure the safety and comfort of those He would leave behind. How comforting it is to know that, in our own final moments, Jesus will also provide for those we love. We can entrust them into His loving care.

To those who feel burdened by sin and weighed down by guilt, let the words of this hymn offer hope and solace. Jesus, the Redeemer of the world, offers salvation to all who trust in Him. His words to the contrite sinner bring comfort and reassurance. He promises that, even in the face of death, paradise awaits those who have faith in Him. What a remarkable promise! Through Jesus, we can find forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life.

In our moments of deepest despair and pain, we are not alone. The hymn reminds us of the anguished cry of Jesus as He felt abandoned by His Father. In this moment, Jesus experienced the full weight of our sin and separation from God. He understands our struggles and can empathize with our feelings of abandonment. As we face our own trials, may we find solace in knowing that Jesus is with us, even in our darkest moments. Let us cry out to Him, just as He cried out to His Father, and trust that He will never forsake us.

Brothers and sisters, as we reflect on these beautiful words, may our hearts be filled with a deep sense of gratitude and awe. Let us prepare our hearts to truly embrace the love, forgiveness, and redemption offered by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May these words guide us through life’s joys and trials, and may they bring us comfort and strength as we face the end of our earthly journey. Together, let us entrust ourselves into the loving hands of our Brother in Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Prepare Your Heart in Christ: Reflect on His Love, Compassion, and Redemption. Find Comfort, Strength, and Salvation in His Words. Trust in Him.


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