Hail Holy Light! The World Rejoices – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the beauty of nature and divine love as the world rejoices in the arrival of each new day. Sing the Sabbath morning hymn in adoration and seek God's grace and presence in your life. Hail Holy Light! The World Rejoices.

Hail Holy Light! The World Rejoices – Hymn Lyric



Hail Holy Light! The World Rejoices – Hymn Lyric

Hail, holy Light!
The world rejoices
As morning breaks and shadows fly;
All nature blends her myriad voices
To greet the dayspring from on high,
To greet the dayspring from on high.

Break , in far excelling,
O Light eternal, Love divine!
Let bright beams, all shades dispelling,
Around us and within us shine,
Around us and within us shine.

The heav’nly hosts fall down before Thee,
And “Holy!” cry, nor ever rest;
The saints on earth, with them, adore Thee,
Creator, Savior, Spirit blest,
Creator, Savior, Spirit blest.

O God, if we could duly praise Thee,
Could we but voice the love we see,
As sweet as song as angels raise Thee,
Our morning hymn should be,
Our Sabbath morning hymn should be.

Accept, O Father, we entreat Thee,
The worship which Thy children bring;
O, grant us grace in Heav’n to greet Thee,
And with all saints Thy love to sing,
And with all saints Thy love to sing.


Meaning of Hail Holy Light! The World Rejoices

Hail Holy Light! The World Rejoices: Embracing the Beauty of Nature and Divine Love

In the early hours of the morning, as the first rays of sunlight break through the darkness, nature awakens to greet the new day. It is a moment of sheer delight and , as all living creatures join together in a symphony of voices, celebrating the arrival of the dayspring from on high. The world rejoices in this divine light, for it brings hope, renewal, and the promise of a fresh beginning.

As the hymn “Hail, holy Light!” beautifully expresses, this light is not only external but also internal – a beacon of truth and love that can illuminate our souls. It is an eternal light, a divine manifestation of God’s boundless love and grace. It is this light that we yearn for, that we seek to embrace within ourselves and to share with others.

The hymn implores this Light eternal, Love divine, to shine upon us and within us, dispelling all darkness and shadows from our lives. It is a plea for guidance, for the illumination of our minds and hearts. We long to bask in the brilliance of this radiant light, allowing it to transform our thoughts, actions, and interactions with the world.

In our quest for spiritual growth, we are not alone. The hymn reminds us that even the heavenly hosts themselves bow down before this Divine Light, constantly proclaiming its holiness and majesty. Their devotion and reverence inspire us to join them in adoration. We, as the saints on earth, are called to acknowledge and worship the Creator, Savior, and Spirit blest. We are invited to connect with the celestial choir, offering our own voices in praise and thanksgiving.

As the hymn suggests, finding words to adequately express our love and appreciation for God’s presence in our lives can be challenging. How can we encapsulate the depth of our emotions and in mere mortal language? While our attempts may fall short, our hearts are filled with a song as sweet as the angels’ own hymn. Our souls are brimming with adoration, as we the immense beauty of creation and experience the boundless love that surrounds us.

Each Sabbath morning, as we gather in worship, we have the opportunity to offer our humble to God. We together as a community, joining all the saints in lifting our voices in song. This collective worship becomes a harmonious symphony, blending our unique voices and experiences into a chorus of gratitude and reverence. It is a moment when the barriers between heaven and earth seem to dissolve, and we are united in love and devotion.

As we present our worship to the Father, we humbly ask for His acceptance and grace. We approach Him as His children, laying our joys, , and hopes at His feet. We seek His presence in our lives, knowing that it is only through His love that we can fully experience true joy and fulfillment. We long for the day when we will be blessed to greet Him in heaven, surrounded by all the saints, and join them in singing His praises for all eternity.

In conclusion, the hymn “Hail, holy Light!” serves as a reminder of the profound beauty of nature and the divine love that permeates our world. It invites us to rejoice in the arrival of each new day, embracing the spiritual light that shines upon and within us. It encourages us to join the countless voices of the heavenly hosts in worship and adoration. And it humbles us, recognizing our limitations in expressing the fullness of our love for God. May we continue to sing this Sabbath morning hymn, offering our heartfelt praises to the Father and seeking His grace and presence in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the beauty of nature and divine love as the world rejoices in the arrival of each new day. Sing the Sabbath morning hymn in adoration and seek God's grace and presence in your life. Hail Holy Light! The World Rejoices.


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