Because Thou Hast Said Do this for My sake – Hymn Lyric

Because Thou Hast Said Do this for My sake – Hymn Lyric

“Because Thou Hast Said ‘Do this for My Sake’: A Celebration of and ‘s ” explores the significance and beauty of the act of communion. Through this sacred ritual, believers are invited to deepen their relationship with God and experience His abundant love and grace. This hymn-based reflection encourages us to come to the communion table with gratitude and anticipation, thirsting for the Spirit and embracing the transformative power of God’s love.


Because Thou Hast Said Do this for My sake – Hymn Lyric

Because Thou hast said, Do this for My sake,
The mystical bread we gladly partake;
We thirst for the Spirit that flows from above,
And long to inherit Thy fullness of love.

‘Tis here we look up and grasp at Thy mind,
‘Tis here that we hope Thine image to find;
The means of bestowing Thy gifts we embrace;
But all things are owing to Jesus’ grace.


Meaning of Because Thou Hast Said Do this for My sake

Because Thou Hast Said “Do this for My Sake”: A Celebration of Communion and Christ’s Grace

In the realm of worship, there is a sacred act that unites believers across time and space – the act of communion. When we gather as a community of faith, we come together to partake of the mystical bread, a symbol of Christ’s body, and drink from the cup, a symbol of His blood. But what is the significance of this age-old tradition? Why do we partake in communion? And what does it mean when we say, “Do this for My sake”? Let us delve deeper into these questions and explore the beauty and grace that encompasses the act of communion.

Communion is more than just a religious ritual. It is an invitation to enter into a deeper relationship with God and experience His abundant love and grace. When Jesus commanded His disciples to partake in this sacred act, He did not do so lightly. He understood the power and significance behind it. Therefore, when we gather around the communion table, we are not only remembering Christ’s but also embracing His invitation to inherit His fullness of love.

In the hymn, “Because Thou Hast Said, ‘Do this for My Sake,'” we find a heartfelt expression of our longing for the Spirit that flows from above. It speaks to our deep desire to connect with God and find His image reflected in us. Through communion, we look up to grasp at His mind, seeking to align our thoughts and desires with His. It is in this act of remembrance and presence that we hope to experience His transforming within us.

Yet, as the hymn reminds us, we must recognize that all things are owing to Jesus’ grace. Communion is not something we can earn or achieve on our own merit. It is a gift freely given by Christ, an act of divine grace that invites us to come as we are, with all our weaknesses and imperfections. In partaking of the bread and the cup, we acknowledge our need for Him and humbly receive His unending love and forgiveness.

Communion also serves as a powerful reminder of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross. When we consume the bread, we are reminded of His broken body, willingly offered for our redemption. As we drink from the cup, we remember His shed blood, poured out for the forgiveness of our . This act of remembrance is not meant to dwell on guilt or shame but to celebrate the and freedom we have in Christ. It is a testimony of His unfailing love and a declaration of our faith in His redemptive work.

When we gather around the communion table, we enter into a sacred space where barriers are broken, and divisions are dissolved. Regardless of our differences – whether we are old or young, rich or , black or white – we are all equal before the table of the Lord. In that moment, we become one body, united in our common need for Christ and His grace. Communion fosters a sense of community and reminds us that we are all partakers of God’s love.

Through the act of communion, we are also invited to reflect on our own lives and commit to a of discipleship. Just as Christ served His disciples by washing their feet, we, too, are called to serve one another. Communion challenges us to embrace humility, compassion, and selflessness in our interactions with others. It prompts us to be mindful of the needs of those around us and to actively seek ways to extend the love and grace we have received from God.

As we ponder the words of the hymn, “Because Thou Hast Said, ‘Do this for My Sake,'” let us remember that communion is more than a religious tradition. It is a sacred moment of encounter with the living God. It is a celebration of His grace and an invitation to experience His transformative power. So, as we gather at the communion table, let us do so with hearts filled with gratitude and anticipation. Let us come together, thirsting for the Spirit that flows from above, and open ourselves to the fullness of God’s love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the beauty and grace of communion. Understand the significance of Do this for My sake and delve into its transformative power. Join us in celebrating communion and Christ's grace.


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