Another Year Has Passed Away – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the dawn of a new year with hope and kindness. Embrace self-discovery

Another Year Has Passed Away – Hymn Lyric

As we wave goodbye to the old year and welcome the new, “Another Year Has Passed Away” reminds us to reflect on the joys and sorrows that shaped us. Let us strive to make this bright new year even better than the last by spreading kindness, guiding others to the light, and embracing self-acceptance. May we approach each day with love, purpose, and a deep connection to the divine within and around us.


Another Year Has Passed Away – Hymn Lyric

Another year has pass’d away,
The New Year has ;
We hope ’twill be a year
To each and ev’ry one.

A glad new year-a bright new year-has dawn’d upon us all,
May richest day by day upon us freely fall.

We’ve said to the old year, “good-bye,”
Its griefs and joys are past;
We’ll try to make this glad New year
Still better than the last. [Refrain]

We’ll seek to bless some burden’d life,
Some darken’d heart to ;
And deeds of kindness we will do
Each day of all the year. [Refrain]

We’ll try to point the lost to Him
Who dwells in light above;
Who will forgive if they believe,
And crown them with His love. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Another Year Has Passed Away

As the calendar pages turn, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new year. Another year has passed away, and with it, the sorrows and joys that made it uniquely our own. As the refrain of the song suggests, “A glad new year—a bright new year—has dawn’d upon us all.” This dawn brings with it not just a change in date but a opportunity for introspection, growth, and transformation. Let us welcome this year with open hearts and hopeful spirits, just as we ought to welcome every new beginning life offers us.

We’ve bid farewell to the old year, with its myriad experiences, both light and dark. Each experience, each emotion, has contributed to the tapestry of who we are in this very moment. It’s easy to recall the hardships and pain that may have punctuated the past year, but let us also remember the joy, the lessons learned, and the moments of connection and love that uplifted our souls. These are gifts we carry with us as we step into this new chapter.

The refrain reminds us to hope for “richest blessings day by day,” and this hope is something we all need, but just as crucial is our role in creating a happier and more loving year for ourselves and those around us. We are not mere recipients of blessings; we can be vessels of them too. Reflect for a moment on the promise and potential of being able to “bless some burden’d life, Some darken’d heart to cheer.” Each act of kindness, each gesture of compassion, ripples out into the world, creating waves of positive change.

In our busy lives, we often forget how impactful small deeds can be. Yet, every kind word, every listening ear, and every act of generosity contributes to the collective spirit. When we extend kindness, we are not only helping others but also nurturing our own souls. This reciprocal flow of energy is transformative. It can turn ordinary days into extraordinary ones because we are participating in something greater than ourselves—a shared humanity, bound by love and compassion.

As we seek to “point the lost to Him who dwells in light above,” let us also remind ourselves that this journey is as much about us finding our way as it is about guiding others. To connect deeply with the Divine, or whatever higher power you believe in, begins with acknowledging our own vulnerabilities and truths. It involves accepting our flaws and mistakes with grace and recognizing that they are part of our human experience. There is immense beauty in this acceptance—in understanding that we are perfectly imperfect beings striving to live authentically.

Allow yourself moments of reflection and self-discovery. Let the new year be a canvas on which you paint with the colors of introspection and spiritual growth. Embrace yourself with the same love and compassion you offer to others. Understand that being kind to yourself is not a luxury but a necessity. When you love and accept yourself fully, you become a light for others, guiding them gently towards their own paths of self-acceptance and love.

As we journey through this new year, let us carry forward the wisdom that we are all interconnected. Our actions, words, and thoughts shape not only our own lives but also the world around us. Together, let us make this year not just better than the last but a year where each day is filled with purpose, kindness, and a heartfelt connection with the divine essence that resides within and around us.

May this year be one of profound self-discovery, deeper connections, and undeniable joy. May our hearts be open to receiving and giving blessings, and may we walk this path with grace, compassion, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of love.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the dawn of a new year with hope and kindness. Embrace self-discovery, compassion, and growth in the journey ahead. Another Year Has Passed Away.


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