Jesus Gave Her The Water – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of spiritual nourishment. Jesus gave her the water that was not from the well. Discover a source of eternal joy within.

Jesus Gave Her The Water – Hymn Lyric

In this heartwarming story, Jesus gave a woman that was not from the well, sparking a transformation within her. She left , and returned with others to share this sacred water. This beautiful metaphor invites us to seek inner fulfillment beyond the superficial wells of life, and to embrace the spiritual nourishment that can only from within.


Jesus Gave Her The Water – Hymn Lyric

Jesus gave her the water, that was not from the well
Jesus gave her the water, that was not from the well
She went away singing,
She back bringing
Others to the water that was not from the well.


Meaning of Jesus Gave Her The Water

Today, let us embark on an inner journey that examines the profound depths of our spirit, a pathway akin to touching the sacred waters of our . Our prompt—and muse—for this exploration is a humble yet powerful line:

“Jesus gave her the water, that was not from the well

She went away singing,

She came back bringing

Others to the water that was not from the well.”

The simplicity of these words belies the spiritual richness they hold. Picture a woman, weary and worn from her life’s struggles, who approaches a well seeking something to quench her thirst and, perhaps, to momentarily alleviate her burdens. Yet, there at the well, she finds not just water, but an unexpected depth of nourishment for her soul. This sacred encounter transforms her; it touches something deep within, something that conventional sources of relief cannot reach.

This poignant metaphor invites us to consider the nature of our true thirst. What is it that we seek to quench our thirst in the wells of our daily lives? We often turn to temporary comforts—material belongings, fleeting pleasures, external validations—but these are but drops from an external well, and they never truly satisfy for long. They may leave us yearning for more, echoing our own internal voids.

However, the water “that was not from the well” represents a form of inner fulfillment, a spiritual nourishment that goes beyond the mundane. This is the compassion, truth, and acceptance that flow within us when we connect deeply with our inner self and, by extension, with the Divine spirit.

Imagine the profound transformation the woman must have felt. This is no mere thirst quencher; it is a catalyst for an inward journey that leads her to a resonant joy so compelling that she cannot contain it. She leaves, immersed in this newfound spirit, singing praises, and returns, not alone but with others, sharing this sacred water.

And so, dear friends, I ask you to delve deeply into your hearts. Recognize the places where you have sought water from ordinary wells. Reflect on those fragments of life that still leave you yearning. Embrace those parts with love and compassion, for they are stepping stones toward discovering the eternal spring within you.

Allow yourself the courage to be vulnerable, to open up to that unending source of divine truth within. When you touch it, like the woman at the well, you too will find yourself transformed. You will carry that boundless joy within you, and more importantly, you will find a calling to share this sacred source with others—a ripple effect of love and compassion.

Seek out moments of stillness, commune with your inner self through prayer, meditation, or simple contemplation. Listen to the whispers of your soul as they guide you toward this spiritual water. Let it fill the voids, heal the wounds, and light up the corners of your being with an unquenchable radiance.

When we operate from this place of captured eternity, we become beacons of light in a world often dwelling in shadows. We each have the potential to bring others to this water that is not from any earthly well. It is an endeavor of endless beauty where, like the ripples in a serene pond, our inner transformation radiates outward, touching lives and spreading a wave of compassionate consciousness.

May you draw deeply from this sacred spring within, may you sing with joy, and may you return to bring others to this timeless source.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of spiritual nourishment. Jesus gave her the water that was not from the well. Discover a source of eternal joy within.


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