Come Humble Soul Receive The Food – Hymn Lyric

Nourish your soul with the Savior's love. Receive His food of grace and redemption. Embrace vulnerability and find strength in His presence. Join us in this transformative journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Amen.

Come Humble Soul Receive The Food – Hymn Lyric

Come, humble souls, gather together in reflection and openness to receive the nourishment our Savior offers. Through belief and tasting His goodness, we are cheered and brought closer to His bliss. Let us partake in the sacred act of receiving His body and blood, transforming our lives and guiding us away from ruin towards redemption and life. Embrace His rich spiritual sustenance, acknowledging His unending love and grace, as we journey towards deeper connections with ourselves and the world around us.


Come Humble Soul Receive The Food – Hymn Lyric

Come, humble , receive the food
Your Savior offers here,
Believe, and taste that He is good,
And fain each soul would cheer.

Deem not that you to heav’n can rise,
To meet your Savior there;
He comes in from the skies
That you His bliss may share.

Here we commune with Him who died,
Us pow’r o’er death to give;
The life of Him now glorified
We here receive, and live.

For ’tis His body that we eat,
His precious blood we drink,
To make us for His mansions meet,
And save from ruin’s brink.

He ever lives, and only he
In whom the Lord abides;
And here, that He in us may be,
He richest food provides.



Meaning of Come Humble Soul Receive The Food

Come, dear souls, let us gather together in a space of reflection and openness. Today, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, each one of us a humble vessel ready to receive the nourishment our Savior offers. This nourishment, both spiritual and profound, invites us to believe deeply, to taste the goodness that is ever-present, and to recognize the cheer He desires to impart unto every soul.

In our quest for spiritual elevation, let us remember that it is not we who rise to meet our Savior in the heavens above. Instead, He, in His boundless mercy and love, descends to meet us where we are, sharing His eternal bliss with us. This profound truth reshapes our understanding of divine connection, bringing us closer to the realization that the Savior meets us in our humblest and most vulnerable states.

As we reflect on His sacrifice, we recognize that in our communion with Him who His life for us, we are gifted with power over death itself. The glorified life of our Savior becomes our own as we partake in the sacred act of receiving His body and blood. This act is not merely symbolic; it is a transformative experience that makes us worthy of His eternal mansions, guiding us away from the brink of ruin and towards a path of redemption and life.

To embrace this journey, we understand that He alone lives , and it is through His abiding presence within us that we experience true life. The rich spiritual sustenance He provides is a testament to His unending love and grace. This provision invites us to introspect deeply, contemplating the depths of His compassion and the boundless nature of His care for each of us.

In this moment of sharing and introspection, let us embrace the vulnerability that comes with acknowledging our needs and imperfections. It is through this vulnerability that we find our true strength, rooted in the Savior’s unyielding support and nourishment. As we accept His love, we are called to extend this same compassion to ourselves and to the people around us, fostering a deeper connection with the world we inhabit.

This journey of self-discovery and acceptance is a continuous one, marked by moments of doubt and clarity, struggle and . Yet, within each step, we are reminded of the that walks with us, offering the richest of foods for our spiritual hunger and the deepest of love for our souls.

Let us close with a prayer of , acknowledging the gift of His presence and the transformative power of His love. May we continue to seek His sustenance and live in the grace of His abiding care, always moving towards a deeper, more compassionate view of ourselves and a stronger connection with the world around us.



Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Nourish your soul with the Savior's love. Receive His food of grace and redemption. Embrace vulnerability and find strength in His presence. Join us in this transformative journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Amen.


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