O Dying Souls Look Up And See – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of embracing humanity and finding renewal. Look up to Jesus for healing and grace. Embrace vulnerability and connection. Find solace and forgiveness.

O Dying Souls Look Up And See – Hymn Lyric

friends, let us reflect on the powerful message of hope and renewal found in the words “O Dying Souls Look Up And See.” These words remind us to lift our eyes from despair and find solace in the healing power of and grace. Embracing our vulnerabilities and seeking connections built on forgiveness and compassion can lead us on a journey towards wholeness and self-discovery.


O Dying Souls Look Up And See – Hymn Lyric

Oh, dying souls, look up, and see
The glorious gospel remedy!
your Saviour ,
Look up, and see his wounded side!

Look to Jesus, look, and live!
Look to Jesus, he’ll forgive;
Perishing soul, he’ll make thee whole;
Look up, look up, and live.

The serpent’s sting his blood can cure,
His healing power unfailing, sure
Can save the most despairing case,
So strong his love, so rich his grace!

Look to Jesus, look, and live!
Look to Jesus, he’ll forgive;
Perishing soul, he’ll make thee whole;
Look up, look up, and live.

Oh, many a poor -bitten soul
Has looked to him, and been made whole,
And many a hopeless one received
A cure, who on his name believed.

Look to Jesus, look, and live!
Look to Jesus, he’ll forgive;
Perishing soul, he’ll make thee whole;
Look up, look up, and live.

His loving heart to turns,
And e’en t’ward guilty rebels yearns;
He pities souls defiled by sin,
His takes the vilest in.

Look to Jesus, look, and live!
Look to Jesus, he’ll forgive;
Perishing soul, he’ll make thee whole;
Look up, look up, and live.


Meaning of O Dying Souls Look Up And See

In the tapestry of our lives, moments of profound realization and deep introspection frequently punctuate our journeys. These times often leave us standing at the precipice of self-discovery, where vulnerability and truth beckon us to look inward with an earnest heart and open mind. Today, I invite you to embark on a contemplative journey with me, as we explore the beauty of embracing our humanity and finding a deeper connection with our true selves and the around us.

We are all familiar with the silent struggles that reside within us, hidden from the prying eyes of the world. These struggles often lead us to question our worth and purpose, leaving us feeling lost and fragmented. Yet, it is in these very moments of despair that a remarkable truth shines through: the possibility of healing and renewal is always within reach. The content we reflect upon today offers us a poignant reminder of this truth.

“Oh, dying souls, look up, and see the glorious gospel remedy! Jesus your Saviour crucified! Look up, and see his wounded side!”

These words invite us to lift our eyes from the weight of our own suffering and see the beacon of hope that is ever before us. The image of Jesus, crucified and wounded, symbolizes a profound act of love and grace—a love so deep and a grace so rich that it has the power to heal even the most despairing of hearts.

“Look to Jesus, look, and live! Look to Jesus, he’ll forgive; Perishing soul, he’ll make thee whole; Look up, look up, and live.”

In these lines, there is an earnest plea to seek a connection with something greater, to look beyond our pain and find solace and forgiveness. To “look up” is to acknowledge our vulnerabilities and imperfections, and to embrace the possibility of renewal and wholeness. It is an invitation to live fully and authentically, despite our flaws and mistakes.

“The serpent’s sting his blood can cure! His healing power unfailing, sure Can save the most despairing case, – So strong his love, so rich his grace!”

Here, we are reminded that no wound is too deep, no pain too great, to be beyond the reach of love and grace. Love, when embraced with an open heart, has the power to transform and heal even the most shattered spirits. It is in recognizing and accepting this love that we begin to uncover the true essence of our being.

“Oh, many a poor sin-bitten soul Has looked to him, and been made whole, And many a hopeless one received A cure, who on his name believed.”

This wave of and renewal is not just a distant promise, but a lived reality for many who have walked similar paths of suffering and redemption. Their stories offer us hope and a reminder that we, too, can experience healing and transformation. By believing in the possibility of grace, we are able to release the chains of guilt and despair that bind us.

“His loving heart to sinners turns, And ev’n t’ward guilty rebels yearns; – He pities souls defiled by sin, His mercy takes the vilest in.”

These words encapsulate a deeply profound message: mercy and love are available to all, even to those who feel most unworthy. This is a testament to the infinite compassion that exists in the universe, urging us to be kinder and more compassionate towards ourselves and others. In our journey of self-discovery, embracing our imperfections with gentle acceptance becomes a path to genuine connection and wholeness.

As we reflect upon these teachings, let us remember that our humanity, with all its flaws and struggles, is not something to be hidden or shunned. Instead, it is a sacred part of our experience, one that offers opportunities for growth, learning, and transformation. By facing our vulnerabilities with courage and seeking connections grounded in love and grace, we open ourselves to a life of deeper fulfillment and greater harmony with the world around us.

In the gentle stillness of this moment, let us look up, look within, and embrace the journey of becoming whole. May we find solace in the truth that grace is ever-present, always ready to guide us towards a more compassionate and loving self-view. May we trust that our brokenness can be healed, and that by embracing our humanity, we can truly live.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of embracing humanity and finding renewal. Look up to Jesus for healing and grace. Embrace vulnerability and connection. Find solace and forgiveness.


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