Endeavorers For Jesus In Every Christian – Hymn Lyric

"Join the Endeavorers for Jesus in every Christian land on a profound journey of self-discovery and divine connection. Serve

Endeavorers For Jesus In Every Christian – Hymn Lyric

Join us as we journey as “Endeavorers for Jesus,” standing in solidarity with a mighty host of workers in every . Let us embrace the mission of rescue, spreading love and hope to all nations and people, guided by His word in every time of need. Together, we to save in Jesus’ name, embodying grace, compassion, and the transformative power of purpose.


Endeavorers For Jesus In Every Christian – Hymn Lyric

Endeavorers for Jesus,
In every Christian land,
A mighty host of workers,
In solid phalanx stand.
Endeavorers for Jesus,
With banners all unfurled,
Our motto stands for “rescue,”
Our field is all the world.

: We’re saved to serve for Jesus,
We’re saved to serve for Jesus,
We serve to save for Jesus,
To save in His dear name.

Endeavorers for Jesus,
Let bear the news,
To every land and nation,
To Gentile and to Jews.
Endeavorers for Jesus,
His word we daily read,
That we may have its guidance,
In every time of need.

Refrain: We’re saved to serve for Jesus,
We’re saved to serve for Jesus,
We serve to save for Jesus,
To save in His dear name.

Endeavorers for Jesus,
How beautiful the thought,
Though many thousand rescued,
All work in Jesus’ name.
Endeavorers for Jesus,
To all His love the same,
Our gracious, dear Redeemer,
We’ll spread abroad His fame.

Refrain: We’re saved to serve for Jesus,
We’re saved to serve for Jesus,
We serve to save for Jesus,
To save in His dear name.


Meaning of Endeavorers For Jesus In Every Christian

As we gather in this sacred moment of reflection, let us delve into the essence of our shared journey, one that calls us to be “Endeavorers for Jesus.” This invitation is not merely a call to action but an invitation to a profound journey of self-discovery, vulnerability, and a deepened connection with the and with each other.

In every corner of our world, there stands a “mighty host of workers,” unwavering in their resolve, like a solid phalanx. This imagery may summon visions of grandeur and strength, yet let us also remember that our true strength lies in the quiet admission of our humanity and the tender acceptance of our flaws. Our banners unfurled signify our open hearts, to receive and to give, anchored in the simple yet profound motto of “rescue.” This mission of rescue is not reserved for grand gestures alone, but also for the gentle acts of kindness, the whispers of hope we offer each other in moments of need.

Reflect on the refrain that repeats, “We’re saved to serve for Jesus, we serve to save for Jesus.” Let these words guide you inward, to the heart of your being. What does it mean to be saved? It is to be seen, to be known, to be loved in all our imperfection. To serve is to extend that same seeing, knowing, and to others, creating a ripple of divine compassion across the tapestry of humanity.

Our journey as “Endeavorers for Jesus” leads us to bear witness to the transformative power of purpose. To “let heralds bear the news, to every land and nation,” is a sacred task. Yet, in a world so vast, it can begin with the simple acts of sharing our stories, our truths, our vulnerabilities. When we read His word daily, seeking guidance, it is an invitation to listen deeply—not just to the words on the page but to the whisper of the Spirit within us, guiding us through “every time of need.”

The beauty of our mission lies in the thought that, “Though many thousand rescued, all work in Jesus’ name.” There is an inherent equality in the love of Christ. Whether we rescue or are rescued, our roles interchange as seamlessly as day turns to . In acknowledging our own need for rescue, we cultivate empathy and understanding, making us more compassionate servants.

Remember, dear reader, that to spread His fame is to live authentically, to embody the grace and love we have received. Our dear Redeemer sees us—every part of us—and calls us good. Let us embrace that truth, allowing it to permeate our being, so we can extend that same loving gaze to others.

As we on this path of soulful service, let us not forget to pause and honor our own vulnerability. It is within this space of self-acceptance that we find the strength to hold others in their moments of need. The world is our field, yet the tending of this field begins within the fertile ground of our own hearts.

May we, as “Endeavorers for Jesus,” walk this path with humility and courage, ever seeking to discover the divine spark within ourselves and in those around us. Let our service be a testament to the boundless, unconditional love we have received, and may our every action be a beacon of hope and healing in this beautiful, broken world.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the Endeavorers for Jesus in every Christian land on a profound journey of self-discovery and divine connection. Serve, rescue, and spread His fame with love and compassion.


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