Jesus Still Invites You – Hymn Lyric

Find eternal life with Jesus. Repent

Jesus Still Invites You – Hymn Lyric

Still Invites You” is a that extends an open invitation to come, repent, believe, and receive life. It challenges us to reflect on whether we are rejecting Jesus’s call and ignoring His knocking at our hearts. This hymn emphasizes that Jesus still invites us, no matter our or past mistakes, and encourages us to respond to His invitation.


Jesus Still Invites You – Hymn Lyric

Jesus still invites you,
and is the call;
Do you still reject the message?
As it comes to one and all?

Come, oh come,
Repent ye and believe,
Come, oh come,
Life eternal to receive.

Jesus still is knocking
Gently at the heart of sin,
Can you let him knock unheeded?
And refuse to let him in?

Jesus still is waiting,
Scarlet sins to wash ,
Do you feel no need of cleansing?
That you do not come today?

Jesus still is seeking
Erring souls mid hedges wild;
Can you live to him a stranger?
Can you die unreconciled?

Meaning of Jesus Still Invites You

In the hymn “Jesus Still Invites You,” the refrain encourages everyone to come, repent, believe, and receive eternal life. The verses pose thought-provoking questions about rejecting the message, ignoring Jesus knocking at our hearts, and not feeling the need for cleansing. This hymn emphasizes the idea that Jesus still invites us to come to Him, no matter our sins or past mistakes. Let’s explore this message further.

Jesus’s invitation is one of love and mercy. He doesn’t exclude anyone, no matter their background, mistakes, or current circumstances. His call is open to all, extending a hand of forgiveness and . It’s a comforting thought to know that Jesus wants us to come to Him, regardless of our past choices.

However, the hymn challenges us to reflect on whether we are rejecting this invitation. Sometimes we can be stubborn, holding onto our pride or reluctance to change. Despite Jesus’s persistent knocking at the door of our hearts, we may choose to ignore or refuse to let Him in. But why would we do that? Perhaps it’s fear of facing the truth or not wanting to let go of the control we have over our lives.

Jesus’s knocking isn’t forceful or demanding. It’s gentle and patient, a testament to His love and understanding. He waits for us to make the decision to let Him in. So, the hymn asks us to consider, why would we let His knocking go unheeded? Why would we refuse to let Him in? Opening up our lives to Jesus can bring about immense joy, peace, and transformation.

Continuing with the thought of Jesus waiting, the hymn asks us if we feel no need for cleansing. It’s a profound question because it addresses our understanding of the forgiveness and redemption Jesus offers. Sometimes, we may feel that our sins are too great to be washed away. We may believe that we’re unworthy of His love and mercy. But Jesus is ready and to wash away the deepest stains of our sins. His offer of cleansing is not dependent on our worthiness but rather on His unconditional love for us.

Additionally, the hymn stresses that Jesus is seeking us amidst the hedges wild, a metaphor for the wandering and lost souls. He seeks those who have gone astray or feel disconnected from Him. It’s a reminder that no matter how far we’ve drifted, Jesus still looks out for us and desires to bring us back into a relationship with Him. We may feel like strangers to Him, but He never considers us as such. He longs for us to find reconciliation and peace in His embrace.

Ultimately, the message of this hymn encourages us to respond to Jesus’s invitation. It prompts us to consider our relationship with Him and evaluate whether we have been neglecting His call. It challenges us to repent, to turn away from our sins, and believe in Him. By doing so, we open ourselves up to the beautiful gift of eternal life.

In conclusion, “Jesus Still Invites You” is a heartfelt invitation to come, repent, and believe in Jesus. Despite our failures and shortcomings, Jesus continuously knocks at the door of our hearts, waiting patiently for us to let Him in. He offers love, mercy, and forgiveness to all who seek Him. This hymn reminds us that no matter how far we’ve gone or how unworthy we may feel, Jesus still invites us to come to Him. So let’s not reject His message, but instead, open our hearts and receive the eternal life that only He can offer.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find eternal life with Jesus. Repent, believe, and receive His love, mercy, and forgiveness. Don't reject His invitation to come and find peace.


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