Of My Life The Life O Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Maximize Your Gratitude | Reflecting on the Life of Jesus | Thousands of Thanks to Our Blessed Savior | Find Hope and Salvation in His Sacrificial Love | Grateful Reflections on Jesus' Life and Death

Of My Life The Life O Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Of My , the Life of Jesus: A Thankful Reflection” delves into the profound gratitude felt towards Jesus for his sacrificial love displayed through his life and death. The hymn acknowledges the immense suffering Jesus endured to save humanity from sin and grant us life, prompting us to reflect on the significance of his life and death. Through this hymn, we are reminded to express our eternal gratitude to Jesus, who is deserving of our thanks.


Of My Life The Life O Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Of my life the life, O Jesus!
Of my death, the death also;
who hast given Thyself to ease us
From our heavy load of guilt and woe:
By Thy death, our buying,
And preserving us from dying,
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Blessed Jesus, ever be!

Oh, what cruel provocations,
Scourges of the tongue and rod,
Spitting, shame, and accusations,
Hast Thou borne, Thou Son of God!
To redeem my soul from evil,
And the heavy bondage of the devil,
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Blessed Jesus, ever be!

Thou didst let Thyself be beaten
To deliver me from pain;
Falsely charged, and sorely smitten,
That Thy loss might be my gain.
Thou hast suffered crucifixion
For my comfort in affliction:
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Blessed Jesus, ever be!

For my proud and haughty
Thy humiliation paid;
For my death, Thy death and merit
Have full atonement made:
Thy reproaches and dishonor
All has tended to my honor:
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Blessed Jesus, ever be!

From the heart, I thank thee Jesus,
For the vast, stupendous load,
Which Thou bore to release us
From the dreadful wrath of God:
For Thy cruel death and passion,
Agony and sore temptation,
For Thy sharp and bitter pain,
Thanks forever, Lord, !


Meaning of Of My Life The Life O Jesus

Of My Life, the Life of Jesus: A Thankful Reflection

In this hymn, the author expresses deep gratitude towards Jesus for the sacrificial love he showed through his life and death. It is a heartfelt acknowledgment of the immense suffering Jesus endured to save humanity from sin and bring us eternal life. Let us delve into the profound ideas presented in this hymn and reflect on the significance of Jesus’ life and death.

The hymn begins by highlighting the inseparable connection between Jesus’ life and our own. Jesus willingly gave himself to ease our burden of guilt and sorrow. Just as he experienced life, so he experienced death, in order to offer us eternal life. The author expresses heartfelt gratitude, offering thousands upon thousands of thanks to Jesus for this wondrous gift.

Moving forward, the hymn shifts focus to the immense suffering that Jesus bore for humanity. From cruel provocations to physical scourges, from spitting and shame to false accusations, Jesus endured it all. These trials were endured willingly to redeem our from evil and liberate us from the bondage of the devil. Indebted to Jesus for his selfless sacrifice, the author proclaims thousands of thanks to him.

The third verse emphasizes Jesus’ willingness to be beaten and pain on our behalf. He was falsely charged and sorely smitten so that we could gain in his loss. Jesus willingly embraced crucifixion to comfort us in times of affliction. The author expresses deep gratitude for this act of love, acknowledging Jesus with thousands of thanks.

As we continue, the hymn explores the connection between Jesus’ sacrifice and our own sins and shortcomings. Jesus humiliated himself to pay for our proud and haughty spirits. He died to atone for our sins, offering redemption and salvation. His reproaches and dishonor ultimately brought honor and redemption to us. The author acknowledges this connection with gratefulness, proclaiming thousands of thanks to Jesus.

In the final verse, the hymn offers a heartfelt thank you to Jesus from the depths of the heart. The author recognizes and appreciates the vast and stupendous load that Jesus carried to release us from the wrath of God. Jesus’ death, passion, agony, and are acknowledged as ultimate acts of love, deserving eternal gratitude. The author concludes with an emphatic “Thanks forever, Lord, Amen!”

As we delve into the message of this hymn, we are reminded of the enormous love and sacrifice that Jesus demonstrated for humanity. It is a call to reflect on the significance of Jesus’ life and death, and to express our gratitude for the eternal salvation he offers to all who believe in him.

The title, “Of My Life, the Life of Jesus,” serves as a gentle reminder for us to consider the impact and importance of Jesus’ life in our own lives. It is through his perfect life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection that we find and salvation.

By reflecting on this hymn and embracing its message, we are encouraged to develop a grateful heart and acknowledge Jesus’ immense love for us. May we always remember to offer thousands of thanks to our blessed Jesus, for He is worthy of our eternal gratitude.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Maximize Your Gratitude | Reflecting on the Life of Jesus | Thousands of Thanks to Our Blessed Savior | Find Hope and Salvation in His Sacrificial Love | Grateful Reflections on Jesus' Life and Death


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