O Jesus I Have Promised – Hymn Lyric

Experience the faithfulness and guidance of Jesus in "O Jesus I Have Promised." Explore the commitment to serve and trust in Jesus in this inspiring hymn. Stay faithful to Jesus

O Jesus I Have Promised – Hymn Lyric

“O I Have Promised” is a hymn that expresses dedication to serving Jesus and relying on Him as a guide and . It emphasizes the importance of faithfulness, trust, and seeking His guidance amidst challenges and distractions. Through this hymn, we are reminded to stay true to our commitment and find strength in Jesus’ constant presence in our lives.


O Jesus I Have Promised – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, I have promised
To serve to the end;
Be thou forever near me,
My Master and my Friend.

I shall not fear the battle
If thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway
If thou wilt be my guide.

O Jesus, thou hast promised
To all who follow thee,
That where thou art in glory
There shall servant be.

And, Jesus, I have promised
To serve thee to the end;
O give me grace to follow,
My Master and my Friend.

O let me feel thee near me!
The world is ever near;
I see the sights that dazzle,
The tempting sounds I hear.

My are ever near me,
Around me and within;
But Jesus, draw thou ,
And shield my from sin.

O let me hear thee speaking
In accents clear and still,
Above the storms of passion,
The murmurs of self-will.

O speak to reassure me,
To hasten or control;
O speak and make me listen,
Thou guardian of my soul.


Meaning of O Jesus I Have Promised

O Jesus, I Have Promised: A Journey

In this hymn, “O Jesus, I Have Promised,” the author expresses their dedication to serving Jesus and relying on him as their guide and friend. The verses speak of a deep to remain faithful, even in the midst of challenges and temptations. As we explore the themes within this hymn, we will discover the importance of staying true to our faith, trusting in Jesus’ promises, and seeking His guidance in our daily lives.

Faithfulness is a central theme in this hymn. The author reminds us that they have made a promise to serve Jesus until the end. This commitment reflects a strong desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to live a life that aligns with His teachings. By making this promise, the author acknowledges that serving Jesus requires dedication and perseverance.

One of the key aspects of this hymn is the belief in Jesus’ presence throughout our journey. The author finds comfort in the assurance that Jesus will always be near, serving as both a Master and a Friend. This understanding of Jesus as a constant companion brings solace and strength, especially when facing battles or feeling the temptation to wander from the pathway of faith.

The hymn also alludes to the promised reward for those who faithfully follow Jesus. It asserts that where Jesus is in glory, his servants shall also be. This promise speaks to the and assurance that as believers, our ultimate destination is to be with Jesus in eternity. It is a beautiful expression of the rewards and blessings that await those who remain steadfast in their faith.

As the hymn continues, the author acknowledges the struggles and distractions that exist in the world. The sights and sounds that dazzle, the foes within and around – all these may potentially lead one astray from the path of righteousness. However, the prayer arises for Jesus to draw nearer and shield the soul from sin. It demonstrates a recognition of one’s own vulnerability and the need for Jesus’ constant presence and protection.

Furthermore, the yearning to hear Jesus speaking in “accents clear and still” portrays an intimate desire for guidance and reassurance. Amidst the storms of passion and the murmurs of self-will, the author seeks the voice of Jesus to guide and direct their path. This reflection on the need to hear and listen to Jesus’ voice emphasizes the importance of seeking His guidance and wisdom in making decisions and navigating through life’s challenges.

In conclusion, “O Jesus, I Have Promised” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of faithfulness, trust, and reliance on Jesus. It encourages believers to stay true to their commitment of serving Jesus until the end, even when faced with temptations and distractions. The hymn reminds us of Jesus’ promise to always be near and guide us on our journey. It calls us to listen for His voice amidst the noise of the world, to seek reassurance, and to find strength in His presence. May this hymn serve as a reminder for all of us to remain faithful and dedicated to Jesus, our Master and Friend, throughout our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the faithfulness and guidance of Jesus in O Jesus I Have Promised. Explore the commitment to serve and trust in Jesus in this inspiring hymn. Stay faithful to Jesus, your Master and Friend.


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