The Master Comes He Calls For Thee – Hymn Lyric

Spread the message of Christ's love and salvation. The Master Calls! Go forth and set the captives free. Proclaim His power to save. Willing hearts needed.

The Master Comes He Calls For Thee – Hymn Lyric

“The Master Comes! He Calls for Thee” is a powerful that urges believers to spread the message of Christ’s love and salvation to those in darkness. It emphasizes the urgency and importance of this mission, as well as the willingness and dedication required to be a messenger of . Whether physically or supporting in other ways, believers are called to actively participate in sharing God’s love and will be rewarded for their faithfulness.


The Master Comes He Calls For Thee – Hymn Lyric

The Master comes! He calls for thee-
Go at His almighty word,
Obedient to His last command,
And tell to those who never heard.
Who sit in deepest shades of night,
That Christ has to give them light.

The Master calls! Arise and go;
How blest His messenger to be!
He, who hath given thee liberty,
Now bids thee set the captives free;
Proclaim His mighty power to save,
Who for the world His lifeblood gave.

The Master calls! Shall not thy heart
In warm responsive love reply,
, here am I; send me, send me,
Thy willing slave, to live or die –
An instrument unfit indeed,
Yet Thou wilt give me what I need?”

And if thou canst not go, yet bring
An offering of a willing heart;
Then, though thou tarriest at ,
Thy God shall give thee too thy part;
The messengers of upbear
In ceaseless and prevailing .

Short is the time for service true,
For soon shall dawn that glorious day
When, all the harvest gathered in,
Each faithful heart shall hear Him say,
“My child, well done! Your toil is o’er –
Enter My joy forevermore.”


Meaning of The Master Comes He Calls For Thee

The hymn “The Master Comes! He Calls for Thee” resonates with the idea of spreading the message of Christ’s love and salvation to those who have not yet heard it. It emphasizes the urgency and importance of this mission, as well as the willingness and dedication required to be a messenger of God.

In the first verse, the hymn paints a picture of the Master calling His followers to share His message. It emphasizes the power and authority behind His command, urging believers to obey and go forth. The verse also highlights the purpose of the mission – to bring light to those who are in darkness and have not yet experienced the love of Christ. This imagery of light represents the and salvation that comes through accepting Christ as Savior.

The second verse builds upon the idea of obedience and the blessings that come with being a messenger of God. It describes those who have been set free by Christ now being called to set others free as well. The hymn encourages believers to proclaim the mighty power of Christ to save, emphasizing His sacrificial act of giving His own lifeblood for the redemption of the world. This verse reminds us that sharing the message of Christ’s love is both a privilege and a responsibility.

The third verse focuses on the heart’s response to the Master’s call. It encourages believers to respond with love and willingness to serve, presenting oneself as a willing servant to live or die for the cause of Christ. The hymn acknowledges the unworthiness of being called to such a task, but also expresses confidence in God’s provision. It reassures believers that even if they feel unfit or inadequate, God will give them what they need to fulfill their role as messengers of His love and salvation.

The hymn also addresses those who may not be able to physically go and share the message, but are still called to participate. It encourages them to bring an offering of a willing heart, recognizing that their involvement and support are significant. It assures them that even if they are unable to physically go, God will still give them a part to play in the mission. This could involve supporting the messengers through prayer, encouragement, or other forms of assistance.

The hymn concludes by emphasizing the limited time for service and the imminent return of Christ. It encourages believers to remain faithful in their mission, knowing that the day will come when they will be welcomed into eternal joy. It reminds them that their toil and efforts in spreading the message of Christ’s love will be rewarded, as they hear the Master say, “Well done! Your toil is over – Enter my joy forevermore.”

In conclusion, “The Master Comes! He Calls for Thee” is a hymn that inspires and motivates believers to share the message of Christ’s love and salvation. It highlights the urgency and importance of this mission, as well as the willingness and dedication required to be a messenger of God. Whether through physically going and sharing the message or supporting the mission in other ways, the hymn encourages believers to actively participate in the spread of God’s love. It reminds us that our efforts are not in vain and that one day, we will be rewarded for our faithfulness. Ultimately, the hymn serves as a call to action, reminding believers that they have a role to play in bringing light to those who sit in deepest shades of night.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread the message of Christ's love and salvation. The Master Calls! Go forth and set the captives free. Proclaim His power to save. Willing hearts needed.


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