Im Abiding In Jesus What A Blessed Place – Hymn Lyric

Experience the blessed place of abiding in Jesus' love and care. Find freedom

Im Abiding In Jesus What A Blessed Place – Hymn Lyric

Abiding in Jesus is a blessed , bringing comfort, security, and joy. By trusting in His grace and cleansing power, we find freedom that surpasses earthly . In His embrace, we are safe from harm, and His presence guides us wherever we go. This abiding relationship with Jesus offers rest, over temptation, and a promise of eternal life filled with bliss and contentment. To abide in Jesus, we need faith, , studying His word, worship, and actively loving others. May we all experience the blessed place of abiding in Him.


Im Abiding In Jesus What A Blessed Place – Hymn Lyric

I’m abiding in Jesus, what a blessed place!
I am sure He kindly cares for me;
He will never forsake me if I trust His grace,
In His cleansing blood, I now am free.

I’m abiding in the Savior’s love,
He kindly cares for me;
I’m abiding in the Savior’s love;
In Him my soul is free.

I’m abiding in Jesus, what a cheering thought!
Earthly joys grow dim and pass away;
I am happy in knowing that His grace has brought
Pleasures rich that never will decay.


I’m abiding in Jesus everywhere I go,
In His sweet embrace, I’m safe from harm;
Of His in fullness we may surely know,
I am leaning on the Savior’s arm.


I’m abiding in Jesus, oh, His rest is sweet!
And His grace will foil the tempter’s pow’r;
Life eternal with gladness in my soul complete,
Is a source of bliss to me each hour.


Meaning of Im Abiding In Jesus What A Blessed Place

in the love and care of Jesus is truly a blessed place to be. It brings comfort, security, and joy to our lives. When we abide in Jesus, we can experience His kind and gentle care, knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us.

In the hymn, the author expresses their confidence in Jesus’ care for them. They acknowledge that by trusting in His grace and the cleansing power of His blood, they are set free. This freedom is not just a temporary relief, but a lasting state of being. It is a freedom that surpasses any earthly joy, as those joys fade and disappear. Instead, the abiding presence of Jesus fills our hearts with rich and everlasting pleasures.

Abiding in Jesus means finding comfort and strength in His embrace, knowing that we are safe from harm. It is a constant leaning on His arm, allowing His spirit to guide our every step. His presence is not limited to a specific place or time; rather, we can experience His love and protection wherever we go. This realization brings a sense of peace knowing that Jesus is with us, watching over us, and leading us through every situation.

When we abide in Jesus, His rest becomes our rest. It is a sweet and refreshing rest that brings respite from the challenges and struggles of life. His grace is sufficient to overcome the schemes of the enemy and to give us victory over temptation. We can rely on Jesus’ strength to resist the tempter’s power and to live a life that is pleasing to .

This abiding relationship with Jesus is not just about temporary happiness; it offers something far greater. It gives us the promise of eternal life, filled with everlasting joy and gladness. The completeness of our soul can only be found in Him. Each hour spent abiding in Jesus is a source of bliss and contentment.

So, how can we abide in Jesus in our daily lives? It starts with faith and trust in Him. We must believe in His love for us and His ability to care for us. We can pray and ask Him to us abide in Him, to guide us each day, and to fill us with His spirit. Reading and studying the is another way to abide in Jesus. It is through His word that we can learn more about Him, His character, and His promises.

Additionally, we can cultivate a lifestyle of worship and . By lifting our voices in worship, we invite His presence into our lives and hearts. Praising Him for who He is and what He has done reminds us of His love and faithfulness. It keeps our focus on Him and strengthens our relationship with Him.

As we abide in Jesus, we also need to actively love and care for others. Jesus commanded us to love one another, just as He has loved us. By being kind, compassionate, and forgiving, we demonstrate the love of Jesus to those around us. We can also share the good news of Jesus’ love and salvation, inviting others to experience the blessed place of abiding in Him.

In conclusion, the hymn “I’m Abiding in Jesus” beautifully expresses the wonder and joy of abiding in Jesus’ love and care. It reminds us that in Him, we find freedom, rest, and eternal life. Abiding in Jesus is not just a theoretical concept; it is a practical and life-transforming way of living. May we all seek to abide in Him and experience the blessed place that is found in His loving arms.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the blessed place of abiding in Jesus' love and care. Find freedom, rest, and eternal life in Him. Trust His grace and enjoy His kind care.


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