Out Where The Banner Of Jesus Leads – Hymn Lyric

"Follow and serve Jesus wherever He leads

Out Where The Banner Of Jesus Leads – Hymn Lyric

“Out Where The Banner Of Leads” is a hymn that calls us to follow and serve Jesus with courage and devotion. It reminds us to answer His call and fight for what is right, ready to go wherever we are needed. This hymn inspires us to be true soldiers of Christ, boldly proclaiming His love and grace to the world.


Out Where The Banner Of Jesus Leads – Hymn Lyric

Out where the banner of Jesus leads,
We’ll follow, follow.
Bearing relief for a thousand needs,
For he who battles in that Name succeeds.

We will follow at the King’s command,
In His line we’ll take our stand.
Like true soldiers, bravely we will fight,
“For God and right,”
Ah, yes, we’ll gladly follow, when the tidings ,
From each quick answers spring,
“Anywhere, wherever I am needed,
I will follow, follow Christ my King.”

On where the trumpets of Jesus call,
We’ll follow, follow.
Quick as the notes of the summons fall,
We’ll and follow, for they speak to all.


Yes, when the voice of Jesus speaks,
We’ll follow, follow.
Gladly we’ll give the response He seeks,
We’ll brave rough waters, climb the mountain peaks.


Meaning of Out Where The Banner Of Jesus Leads

Out Where The Banner Of Jesus Leads: A Call to Follow and Serve

In this hymn, the notion of following Jesus and serving in His name is exalted. The verses speak of bearing relief for the needs of others, battling in Jesus’ name, and following His command. The refrain emphasizes the willingness to follow and take a stand, fight bravely for God and what is right. It inspires a sense of devotion and commitment to Christ as the King, ready to go wherever we are needed.

Following Jesus is not always easy, but this hymn reminds us that it is essential. It encourages us to strive to be true soldiers, embodying bravery and fighting for God and right. Just as a soldier follows the orders of their commanding officer, we are to follow the commands of our King, Jesus Christ. We are called to be soldiers of the , under the banner of Jesus.

When we think about Jesus leading us, we can imagine a banner flying high, guiding our way. It is a symbol of unity and purpose, a symbol that reminds us that we are all part of the same mission. This banner unifies us as believers and compels us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

The hymn speaks of bearing relief for a thousand needs. This reminds us that as followers of Jesus, we have a responsibility to care for others. Jesus himself taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to serve others selflessly. When we answer the call of Jesus, we become agents of His love and grace, reaching out to those in need.

The phrase “For he who battles in that Name succeeds” reminds us that following Jesus is not just about alleviating physical needs but also about engaging in spiritual warfare. As believers, we are engaged in a battle against the forces of , fighting for what is right and good. By following Jesus, we are equipped to overcome the challenges and obstacles we face along the way.

When the hymn declares, “Anywhere, wherever I am needed, I will follow, follow Christ my King,” it underscores the willingness to answer the call of Jesus no matter the location or circumstance. Whether it is in our own community or in distant lands, if Jesus leads, we are ready to follow. Our faith isn’t constrained by borders or boundaries; rather, it compels us to go wherever we are needed.

The hymn also mentions the trumpets of Jesus calling. This imagery reminds us of how the voice of Jesus can to us in different ways. It may be through the reading of Scripture, the words of a sermon, or through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. When we hear the voice of Jesus, urging us to follow Him and serve, we are called to respond enthusiastically and promptly.

The hymn conveys the idea that following Jesus may not always be smooth sailing. It acknowledges that we may encounter rough waters and have to climb mountain peaks. This is a reminder that the Christian journey is not without its challenges. However, just as a hiker perseveres through difficult terrain to reach a breathtaking summit, we too can overcome obstacles and experience the beauty of spiritual growth and .

Ultimately, this hymn is a call to action and a declaration of allegiance. It encourages us to respond eagerly to the call of Jesus, to follow His lead, and to serve wherever He may guide us. It is a reminder that we are not alone in our journey and that together, as true soldiers of Christ, we can make a difference in the world.

In conclusion, the hymn “Out Where The Banner Of Jesus Leads” resonates with the hearts of believers who understand the importance of following Jesus and serving in His name. It urges us to be courageous in our faith, fighting for what is right and good. It inspires us to care for the needs of others and to answer the call of Jesus wherever it may lead. May we all strive to be true soldiers, following Jesus and boldly proclaiming His love and grace to the world.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Follow and serve Jesus wherever He leads, on a mission of relief and battle for God and right. Join the call to follow Jesus as a true soldier of faith.


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