Wonderful Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Wonderful Love of our Divine Savior - Find redemption

Wonderful Love – Hymn Lyric

“Wonderful Love” is a beautiful hymn that highlights the incredible love and redemption offered by our Savior. Through his boundless love, we find forgiveness, eternal life, and the opportunity to become heirs to his glorious kingdom. This hymn serves as a reminder to reflect on the blessings we have received and share the message of wonderful love with others, spreading light and .


Wonderful Love – Hymn Lyric

In love He redeemed me, the Savior divine,
I’m trusting in Him, life eternal is mine;
Unworthy the least of His gifts to receive—
Salvation is mine as on Him I believe.

Wonderful, wonderful love!
He came from the above,
To seek and to save, and to make me His own;
O wonderful, wonderful love!

In love He redeemed me through shedding of blood,
From “far away” places He brought me to God;
He found me a with no one to save,
And graciously, lovingly my sins forgave.

In love He redeemed me and made me His own,
An heir to His glory, His kingdom, and throne;
Now anthems of joy to His Name I will ,
Adoring my Savior, my Lord, and my King.


Meaning of Wonderful Love

Wonderful Love: Embracing the Divine Savior’s Redemption

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Wonderful Love,” we are reminded of the incredible love that our Savior has shown to each and every one of us. Through his love, we find redemption, eternal life, and the opportunity to become heirs to his glorious kingdom. Let us delve deeper into the profound messages conveyed in these verses.

First and foremost, we witness the sheer magnitude of God’s love for us. We are told that our Savior, in all his divine glory, came down from heaven to seek and save us. Imagine that! The Creator of the universe, with all his power and , lovingly pursues us, desiring to make us his own. This realization should fill our hearts with awe and gratitude.

The hymn also emphasizes the method through which our redemption was accomplished – through the shedding of blood. As the verse proclaims, our Savior brought us back from distant places and reconciled us to God. We were lost sinners, without hope or a way to be saved. But with infinite and compassion, our Savior forgave our sins, releasing us from the chains of our transgressions.

It is essential to understand that our redemption is not something we earn or deserve. The hymn reminds us that we are unworthy, the least deserving of his gifts. Yet, it is precisely because of his boundless love that we are given the opportunity for salvation. We need only to believe in him, to trust in his divine power, and eternal life becomes ours.

Through the act of redemption, our Savior not only forgives our sins, but he also adopts us into his family. We become heirs to his glory, his kingdom, and his throne. This imagery is profound and significant. It means that we are no longer alone or lost; we are part of something greater, part of God’s divine plan. Our lives gain meaning and purpose as we dedicate ourselves to living in accordance with his teachings.

The final verse of the hymn speaks of the joy and adoration that fills our hearts as we reflect on the incredible love of our Savior. We are moved to sing anthems of and gratitude, expressing our love and devotion to him. This adoration is not a one-time occurrence but a constant presence in our lives. We are called to honor and worship our Savior, our Lord, and our King, every single day.

In a world that often seems filled with and despair, it is uplifting to be reminded of the wonderful love that surrounds us. No matter what we have done or where we have from, our Savior’s love is available to all. It is a love that has the power to transform lives, to restore hope, and to provide eternal peace.

As we embrace this message of wonderful love, may it infuse our actions and interactions with others. Let us strive to love as our Savior loves us – unconditionally, selflessly, and without hesitation. By embodying his love, we have the opportunity to bring light into the lives of those around us and share the message of redemption and eternal life.

In conclusion, the hymn “Wonderful Love” serves as a powerful reminder of the incredible love of our Savior. It speaks of his pursuit of us, his forgiveness of our sins, and his desire to make us part of his eternal kingdom. This hymn compels us to reflect on the immense blessings we have received and encourages us to respond with adoration, gratitude, and a commitment to living in accordance with his teachings. Let us carry the message of wonderful love in our hearts and share it with others, spreading the light and hope that comes from embracing our divine Savior’s redemption.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Wonderful Love of our Divine Savior - Find redemption, eternal life, and the glory of God's kingdom through His boundless love. Embrace the profound messages of this hymn and share the hope it brings.


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