My Soul Shall Worship Thee – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the heartfelt hymn

My Soul Shall Worship Thee – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “My Soul Shall Worship Thee” serves as a beautiful testament to the author’s devotion and praise for their sovereign . Through heartfelt lyrics and imagery, it conveys the importance of worshiping with one’s entire being and seeking God’s to illuminate our lives. Let us embrace this hymn and join in worship, lifting our voices and hearts to our Sovereign Lord on high.


My Soul Shall Worship Thee – Hymn Lyric

My soul shall worship thee, My Sovereign Lord on high!
I ‘wake another day to see, Which cheers the ‘wakening eye.

The birds that mount the air, They lisp their praise:
And should not I likewise prepare? To show my ‘s grace.

The morning light appears, And darkness flies away;
The of ev’ry creature cheers, To meet the rising day.

, my rising Sun, My soul desires to view,
Thy dawning in my heart begun! My darkness banished too.

O cause thy light to shine,
With all its life and pow’r:
And in that dark’ned heart of mine,Have light forevermore.


Meaning of My Soul Shall Worship Thee

Hymns have long been an important part of religious worship, allowing believers to express their faith and devotion through music and lyrics. One such hymn is titled “My Soul Shall Worship Thee,” a beautiful testament to the author’s love and praise for their sovereign Lord on high.

In the opening verse, the author declares their intention to worship their Lord with their entire being. They refer to God as their Sovereign Lord, acknowledging His authority and power over all things. This reverence sets the tone for the rest of the hymn, as it becomes clear that the author’s heart and soul are filled with gratitude and adoration.

As the hymn continues, the author awakens to a new day, filled with the promise and beauty of God’s creation. They observe the birds soaring through the sky and singing their morning praises. Inspired by this sight, the author ponders why they too should not prepare themselves to show their Savior’s grace. This highlights the idea that worship is not limited to the act of singing or praying, but rather encompasses a lifestyle of gratitude and service.

The hymn then turns its attention to the morning light, a symbol of hope and renewal in many religious traditions. The author describes how the darkness of night retreats in the presence of the rising sun, bringing cheer to the hearts of all creatures. Drawing upon this imagery, the author expresses their desire for Jesus, their rising Sun, to illuminate their own heart and banish the darkness within. This highlights the transformative power of faith and the belief that God’s light can clarity and purpose to our lives.

In the final verse, the author implores God to continue shining His light upon them, allowing it to permeate their entire being. They acknowledge the darkness that resides within their own heart and ask for the presence of God’s light to guide them. This plea for spiritual enlightenment demonstrates the author’s recognition of their own imperfections and their dependence on God’s grace and .

The title of the hymn, “My Soul Shall Worship Thee,” encapsulates the overarching theme of the lyrics. It serves as a reminder that worship is not just an external act, but a deeply personal and heartfelt expression of devotion. The word “soul” implies a connection that goes beyond the physical realm, emphasizing the spiritual nature of worship. By using the word “shall,” the author expresses their firm commitment to worship God, indicating that it is not merely a choice but a fundamental aspect of their existence.

In conclusion, the hymn “My Soul Shall Worship Thee” is a heartfelt expression of devotion and gratitude towards God. It reminds us of the importance of worshiping with our entire being, acknowledging God’s sovereignty and seeking His light to illuminate our lives. Through its beautiful imagery and sincere lyrics, this hymn invites believers to reflect on their own relationship with God and the role of worship in their lives. So let us embrace these words and let our souls join in worship, lifting our voices and hearts to our Sovereign Lord on high.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the heartfelt hymn, My Soul Shall Worship Thee, expressing deep devotion and gratitude towards our Sovereign Lord on high. Join in worship and let your soul soar.


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