O Fairest Born Of Love And Light – Hymn Lyric

Embrace Equality and Compassion with "O Fairest Born of Love and Light." This timeless hymn reminds us to treat all with fairness and kindness

O Fairest Born Of Love And Light – Hymn Lyric

“O Fairest of Love and Light” is a that celebrates the beauty and of love and light in our lives. It reminds us of the impartiality of love and that we are all equal in its eyes. The hymn encourages us to be compassionate and true to our fellow brothers and sisters, extending a helping hand to those who are suffering.


O Fairest Born Of Love And Light – Hymn Lyric

Oh, fairest-born of Love and Light!
Yet bending brow and eye severe
On all which pains the holy sight,
Or wounds the pure and perfect ear–

Beneath thy broad, impartial eye,
How fade the lines of caste and birth!
How equal in their sufferings lie
The groaning multitudes of earth!

Still to a stricken brother true,
Whatever clime hath nourished him;
As stooped to heal the wounded Jew,
The worshiper of Gerizim.

In holy words which can not die,
In thoughts which angels learned to know,
thy message from on high,
Thy mission to a world of woe.

That voice’s echo hath not died;
From the blue lake of Galilee,
From Tabor’s lonely mountain-side,
It calls a struggling world to thee.


Meaning of O Fairest Born Of Love And Light

O Fairest Born of Love and Light: Embracing Equality and Compassion

In the timeless hymn “O Fairest Born of Love and Light,” we are reminded of the inherent beauty and grace that love and light to our lives. The opening verse sets the tone for the hymn, inviting us to ponder upon the compassionate nature of love and light. It speaks of a being, one who gazes upon the world with a serious yet loving gaze, compassionately observing all that causes pain or discord.

This hymn beautifully highlights the impartiality of love and light, showing us that beneath their all-encompassing gaze, the lines of caste and birth fade . It reminds us that in the eyes of love, we are all equal. It does not matter where we from or what our background may be; we are all part of the same human family and bound by our shared experiences of suffering.

The hymn goes further to emphasize the importance of being true and compassionate towards our fellow brothers and sisters who are in need. It encourages us to extend our helping hands to those who are hurting, regardless of their geographical location or culture. Just as Christ stooped down to heal the wounded Jew, regardless of the differences between them, we too should follow in his footsteps and demonstrate love and care for those who are suffering.

The powerful message of this hymn is not constrained by time or space. It transcends centuries and continents, reaching out to all who are to listen. It reminds us that the words spoken by Christ, the divine messenger of love and compassion, are still alive and relevant today. They resound across the expanse of history, beckoning a struggling world to embrace the true essence of love and light.

As we delve deeper into the meaning behind these beautiful verses, we can draw inspiration from the imagery that accompanies them. The mention of the blue lake of Galilee and Tabor’s lonely mountain-side transports us to the very places where Christ himself walked and preached his message of love and equality. These vivid descriptions connect us with the past and invite us to carry the torch of compassion into the present.

The hymn’s title, “O Fairest Born of Love and Light,” encapsulates the essence of its message. It reminds us that love and light are not mere abstract concepts but living beings, born out of divine origins. They possess a sublime beauty that captivates hearts and illuminates the darkest corners of our world.

In a world often tainted by inequality, prejudice, and suffering, it is crucial that we embrace the principles outlined in this hymn. By recognizing and appreciating the inherent worth and equality of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances, we can begin to mend the fractures that divide us. Let us strive to be fair and compassionate, extending a helping hand to those in need and treating everyone we encounter with kindness and respect.

By embodying the values expressed in this hymn, we not only honor the ancient message brought by Christ but also contribute to the creation of a more harmonious and inclusive world. It is a call to action, urging us to overcome the barriers that separate us and to embrace the unifying power of love and light.

In conclusion, “O Fairest Born of Love and Light” resonates with a timeless message that transcends all boundaries. It reminds us of the impartiality of love, the importance of compassion, and the call to heal the wounds of a suffering world. May we all strive to live by these principles, fostering equality and embracing the divine beauty of love and light in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace Equality and Compassion with O Fairest Born of Love and Light. This timeless hymn reminds us to treat all with fairness and kindness, regardless of background. Let's spread love and light to heal our world.


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