Go Preach My Gospel Jesus Said – Hymn Lyric

Maximize your impact with "Go Preach My Gospel Jesus Said." Spread the message of God's love to the whole world with urgency and reassurance. Get inspired and take action today.

Go Preach My Gospel Jesus Said – Hymn Lyric

“Go Preach My Said” is a powerful hymn that encourages believers to share the message of God’s love to the whole . The hymn emphasizes the urgency and importance of spreading the gospel to every corner of the earth. It is a call to action that reassures us of Jesus’ presence and support as we fulfill this mission.


Go Preach My Gospel Jesus Said – Hymn Lyric

Go preach my gospel, Jesus said,
The whole wide world around;
And tell the story of my love,
Wherever man is found.

Go, quickly go, and I will aid
Each messenger I send;
Lo, I am with you all the days
Until the world shall end.

Go to the distant countries far,
And islands of the sea;
Go tell them all their debt was paid
On Calv’ry’s rugged tree.

Go gather all men at the cross,
A vast believing host;
Baptize them in the ‘s name,
The , and Holy Ghost.

Go teach them all that I have said,
And make them wise indeed;
That they may turn from sin’s dark way,
And lives of virtue lead.

Go, quickly go, for life is short,
And time is waning fast;
So soon the closing hour will ,
And mercy will be past.


Meaning of Go Preach My Gospel Jesus Said

“Go Preach My Gospel Jesus Said” is a powerful hymn that encourages believers to share the message of God’s love to the whole world. The hymn emphasizes the urgency and importance of spreading the gospel to every corner of the earth.

In the verse, Jesus instructs his followers to go and preach his gospel, to tell the story of his love wherever they go. This directive applies to all believers, regardless of where they are or what their circumstances may be. Jesus wants his message of salvation and redemption to reach every man, woman, and on this planet.

The refrain of the hymn echoes Jesus’ promise to aid and be with his messengers throughout their mission. Those who choose to go and preach the gospel can rest assured that they will not do it alone. Jesus pledges his presence and help, ensuring that they will never be left to navigate this task on their own. This promise gives believers the confidence to step out in and share the love of with others.

One of the hymn’s verses encourages believers to travel to distant countries and islands of the sea in order to spread the message of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary’s rugged tree. The debt of sin has been paid, and through Jesus’ death and resurrection, all people have the opportunity to experience forgiveness and eternal life. It is the responsibility of believers to bear witness to this incredible act of love, ensuring that no one is left unaware of the salvation available through Jesus.

The hymn further emphasizes the importance of baptism. Believers are called to gather all men at the cross and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Baptism symbolizes a commitment to follow Jesus, and by sharing this sacrament with others, believers help to create a vast believing host. Through baptism, individuals are united with Christ and become part of the global community of faith.

In addition to baptizing others, believers are called to teach them everything that Jesus has said and instructed. It is not enough to simply share the love of Christ; believers must also equip others with the knowledge and wisdom to lead lives of virtue and turn away from sin. The message of the gospel is meant to transform and lives, and it is through teaching that this transformation can occur.

The hymn also highlights the urgency of the task at hand. Life is short, and time is waning fast. The closing hour will come sooner than we realize, and it is essential that the message of God’s love is shared before it is too late. The hymn serves as a reminder that the opportunity to receive God’s mercy may pass if not acted upon. It ignites a sense of urgency among believers, prompting them to step up their efforts and reach out to those who have not yet experienced the love and grace of Jesus.

In conclusion, “Go Preach My Gospel Jesus Said” is a hymn that inspires and motivates believers to take action and share the message of God’s love with the whole world. It reminds us of our responsibility to go to the distant corners of the earth, to baptize and teach others, and to do so with a sense of urgency. It is a call to action that reassures us of Jesus’ presence and support as we fulfill this mission. May we all be encouraged by this hymn to go and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone we encounter.


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