To Him Who Is The Life Of Life – Hymn Lyric

Discover the awe-inspiring power and presence of God in "To Him Who Is The Life of Life." Reflect on the beauty of creation and the nurturing care of our Creator. Experience a deeper connection with the Life of life.

To Him Who Is The Life Of Life – Hymn Lyric

“To Him Who Is The Life of Life”: Celebrating God’s Power and Presence Celebrate the incredible power and presence of God with the “To Him Who Is The Life of Life.” This hymn beautifully captures the awe-inspiring reality of God’s role as the creator and sustainer of all life. Reflect on the various ways in which God’s hand can be seen in the around us and be filled with and awe for the incredible God who is the Life of life.


To Him Who Is The Life Of Life – Hymn Lyric

To him who is the Life of Life,
My its vows would pay;
He leads the flowery seasons on,
And gives the storm its way.

The winds run backward to their caves
At his command,
The great deep he holds within
The hollow of his hand.

He clothes the grass, he makes the rose
To wear her good attire;
He gives the moon her patient ,
And all the stars their fire.

He hears the hungry raven’s cry,
And sends her young their food;
Through our evil, he intimates
His purposes of good.

He stretches out the north; he binds
The in his care;
The mountains cannot strike their roots
So deep he is not there.

Hid in the garment of his works,
We feel his presence still;
With us, and through us fashioning
The mystery of his will.


Meaning of To Him Who Is The Life Of Life

To Him Who Is The Life of Life: Celebrating the Power and Presence of God

In every aspect of our lives, we witness the incredible power and presence of God. The hymn “To Him Who Is The Life of Life” beautifully captures this awe-inspiring reality. It reminds us that God is not only the creator of all things but also the sustainer and nurturer of life itself. Through the verses of this hymn, we are invited to reflect on the various ways in which God’s hand can be seen in the world around us.

The hymn begins with the powerful declaration, “To him who is the Life of life, my soul its vows would pay.” This opening line sets the tone for the entire hymn, emphasizing our deep reverence and gratitude towards God. It acknowledges that God is the source of all life, both in the natural world and within us. As we reflect on this truth, we are called to offer our heartfelt prayers and devotion to the One who gives us life.

The hymn goes on to highlight God’s role in orchestrating the seasons. It states, “He leads the flowery seasons on and gives the storm its way.” Here, we are reminded of the cyclical nature of life, as each season brings its own beauty and challenges. God’s hand can be seen in the blooming of flowers in spring, the warmth of summer, the of autumn, and the rest and renewal of winter. Even in the midst of storms and difficulties, we are assured that God is in control, guiding and directing everything for his divine purposes.

Furthermore, the hymn acknowledges God’s sovereign power over nature. It proclaims, “The winds run backward to their caves at his divine command, and the great deep he holds within the hollow of his hand.” This imagery highlights the vastness and magnitude of God’s power. Just as God commands the winds and controls the depths of the ocean, so too does he have authority over every aspect of creation. We are reminded that nothing is beyond his control or understanding.

Moreover, the hymn draws our attention to God’s care and provision for all living creatures. It asserts, “He hears the hungry raven’s cry and sends her young their food.” This verse reminds us that God is not a distant and detached creator but rather a compassionate and loving caretaker. He attends to the needs of every creature, ensuring they have sustenance and support. This truth speaks to the incredible depth of God’s love and kindness towards his creation.

As we delve deeper into the hymn, we encounter the verses that describe God’s creative power. It states, “He clothes the grass, he makes the rose to wear her good attire; the moon he gives her patient grace, and all the stars their fire.” These lines evoke a sense of wonder and awe at the intricate beauty and design found in the natural world. We understand that God is not only concerned with sustaining life but also with adorning it with splendor and elegance.

Furthermore, the hymn highlights God’s presence in every aspect of our lives. It asserts, “Hid in the garment of his works, we feel his presence still with us.” This verse reminds us that God’s presence is not confined to a distant realm but rather permeates every corner of our existence. We are assured that he is intimately involved in our lives, guiding and shaping us according to his divine will. This understanding invites us to seek a deeper relationship with God, to acknowledge his presence, and to allow his wisdom and guidance to shape our lives.

In conclusion, the hymn “To Him Who Is The Life of Life” serves as a beautiful reminder of the power and presence of God in our world. It celebrates his role as the creator, sustainer, and nurturer of all life. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt expressions of , the hymn invites us to reflect on the various ways in which God’s hand can be seen in the natural world and within our own lives. As we this hymn and contemplate its profound message, may we be filled with gratitude and awe for the incredible God who is the Life of life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the awe-inspiring power and presence of God in To Him Who Is The Life of Life. Reflect on the beauty of creation and the nurturing care of our Creator. Experience a deeper connection with the Life of life.


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