My Soul Triumphant In The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Experience the deep joy and triumph in the Lord as my soul marches forward with holy vigor. Share in this joy and anticipation of meeting the Savior face to face.

My Soul Triumphant In The Lord – Hymn Lyric

“My Soul Triumphant In The Lord: Sharing the Joy” captures the deep sense of joy and longing expressed in the hymn. The author eagerly awaits the day when their faith turns to sight and they can meet their Savior face to face. In the meantime, they strive to share this joy with others and be a beacon of light and hope in the .


My Soul Triumphant In The Lord – Hymn Lyric

My soul, triumphant in the Lord, shall tell its joys abroad;
And march with holy vigor on, supported by its .

I love the windows of grace, through which my Lord is seen,
And long to meet my Savior’s face without a glass between.

O! that the happy hour were come to change my faith to sight!
I shall behold my Lord at in a diviner light.

Haste, my Beloved, and remove these interposing days;
Then shall my passions all be love, and all my powers be praise.


Meaning of My Soul Triumphant In The Lord

My Soul Triumphant In The Lord: Sharing the Joy

There is a deep and unwavering joy that fills my soul when I ponder upon the greatness of the Lord. It is a joy that cannot be contained within the confines of my heart, but rather, it spills and compels me to share it with the world.

In the hymn “My Soul Triumphant In The Lord,” the author beautifully expresses the to proclaim this joy to all who will listen. Just as a triumphant army marches proudly into battle, my soul marches forward with holy vigor, supported by the strength and power of my God.

One of the most wonderful aspects of this joy is the clear view I have of my Lord, thanks to the windows of His grace. Through these windows, I am able to catch glimpses of His love, His , and His faithfulness. Oh, how my heart longs for the day when I will no longer see my Savior’s face “through a glass,” but rather, I will meet Him face to face in all His !

Yearning for that glorious day, I cannot help but eagerly anticipate the moment when my faith will turn to sight. I imagine that when that day comes, my heart will burst with overwhelming joy as I behold my Lord at home, bathed in a diviner light than any I have ever known. What a beautiful and magnificent sight it will be!

In my impatience, I call out to my Beloved, urging Him to remove the interposing days that separate me from Him. I long for the day when time will no longer stand in the way of our perfect union. In that moment, I know that all my passions will be consumed by love, and all my powers will be dedicated to praising His name.

But in the meantime, as I wait for that ultimate reunion with my Lord, I am reminded of the importance of sharing this joy with others. It is not enough to keep this incredible blessing to myself; I must let it radiate outward, touching the lives of those around me.

Through my words, my actions, and my demeanor, I strive to be a vessel of this joy, a conduit through which others can experience the love and grace of the Lord. I do not want to hoard this gift, but rather, I want to give it freely, for it is only in giving that it becomes truly abundant.

So, in all that I do, I seek to emulate the joy and love of my Lord. I strive to be a beacon of light and hope, shining brightly in the darkness of this world. I understand that my actions may not always be perfect, and there may be times when I falter. But just as my soul triumphs in the Lord, I know that His grace and forgiveness will guide me back on the right path.

In conclusion, as I reflect upon the hymn “My Soul Triumphant In The Lord,” I am reminded of the immense joy that fills my being. It is a joy that cannot be contained but demands to be shared. I eagerly await the day when my faith turns to sight and I am able to meet my Savior face to face. But until then, I will continue to march forward with holy vigor, proclaiming this joy to all who will listen. May my soul forever in the Lord, and may His love shine through me for all to see.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the deep joy and triumph in the Lord as my soul marches forward with holy vigor. Share in this joy and anticipation of meeting the Savior face to face.


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