Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered – Hymn Lyric

Spread the powerful message of redemption found in the hymn "Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered." Learn about Jesus' sacrifice

Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered – Hymn Lyric

“Go Tell The That Has Suffered” is a hymn that urges us to share the incredible Jesus made for us. The hymn emphasizes the importance of spreading the message of redemption far and wide, so that all the world may know of His suffering, death, and resurrection. By sharing this story, we have the power to , , and transformation to those who hear it.


Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered – Hymn Lyric

Verse 1:
Go tell the world that Jesus has suffered,
Died to redeem the vilest of men;
How He can save and keep us forever,
Free from the pow’r of Satan and .

Tell it again, the wonderful story,
Sound it aloud o’er valley and plain,
Till all the world is filled with His glory,
Heaven and earth join in the refrain.

Verse 2:
Go tell the world that Jesus is risen,
That He has conquered death and the grave;
Safe He will guide us over the billows,
Calming the tempest, stilling the wave.

Tell it again, the wonderful story,
Sound it aloud o’er valley and plain,
Till all the world is filled with His glory,
Heaven and earth join in the refrain.

Verse 3:
Go tell the world that Jesus is coming,
Soon to receive the saints of His love;
We shall behold His power and glory,
As He descends from heaven above.

Tell it again, the wonderful story,
Sound it aloud o’er valley and plain,
Till all the world is filled with His glory,
Heaven and earth join in the refrain.


Meaning of Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered

Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered: Spreading the Message of Redemption

In the hymn “Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered,” we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us. The words of this hymn not only share the story of Jesus’ suffering and death but also highlight the hope and joy that come from His resurrection. This powerful message of redemption is one that should be spread far and wide, as it has the power to transform lives and bring glory to heaven and earth.

The verse begins by urging us to go and tell the world about Jesus’ suffering and death. Jesus, the Son of God, willingly endured unimaginable pain and on the cross to redeem the vilest of men. This selfless act of love and sacrifice shows us the extent to which God is willing to go to save us. It is a story that needs to be shared, for it is the ultimate demonstration of God’s mercy and grace.

The refrain encourages us to tell the wonderful story of Jesus loudly and boldly, all across the valleys and plains. The hymn emphasizes the importance of spreading this message until all the world is filled with His glory. This call to action reminds us that we have a responsibility to share this incredible news with others. It is not something to keep to ourselves but to proclaim to everyone we encounter.

Furthermore, the refrain indicates that when the message of Jesus’ suffering and redemption is shared, it brings about a harmonious joining of heaven and earth, as both sing praises to His name. This image conveys the joy and celebration that comes from knowing Jesus’ saving power. The hymn encourages us to join in this refrain, to actively participate in the chorus of voices proclaiming the good news.

The second verse of the hymn shifts our focus to the resurrection of Jesus. It declares that Jesus has conquered death and the grave, reminding us of the triumphant victory He achieved over sin. This resurrection gives us hope, for it signifies that we too can be freed from the power of Satan and sin. Jesus’ resurrection is not just a historical event but a present reality that has a transformative impact on our lives.

The verse goes on to emphasize that Jesus is our guide, capable of leading us safely through the storms of life. Just as He calmed the tempest and stilled the waves during His earthly ministry, He continues to provide comfort and peace to those who trust in Him. This assurance is especially comforting for us as we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life. We can find solace in the fact that Jesus is with us every step of the way.

The final verse of the hymn reminds us that Jesus is coming again. He will return to gather His saints and take them to be with Him forever. This promise not only fills us with anticipation and excitement but also serves as a reminder of the power and glory that Jesus possesses. When He descends from heaven above, all who believe in Him will His might and majesty. It is a future event that we eagerly await.

In conclusion, the hymn “Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered” presents a powerful message of redemption, calling us to share the story of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection with the world. It emphasizes the importance of proclaiming this message loudly and boldly, until all the world is filled with His glory. The hymn reminds us that Jesus’ sacrifice has the power to free us from the power of Satan and sin, and His resurrection gives us hope and assurance. Let us go forth and tell the world about this wonderful story, joining in the refrain sung by heaven and earth, for it is a message that can transform lives and bring glory to God.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread the powerful message of redemption found in the hymn Go Tell The World That Jesus Has Suffered. Learn about Jesus' sacrifice, death, and resurrection and how it brings hope, joy, and transformation to all who believe. Share this wonderful story to bring glory to God.


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