Arise And Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Arise And Come To Jesus: Find salvation and guidance in God's word. Follow Jesus and experience His love

Arise And Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Arise And To Jesus: Find Hope and Guidance in His Loving Call” Amidst the chaos and distractions of our world, Jesus extends a loving invitation to all who are lost and overwhelmed. In the hymn, “Arise And Come To Jesus,” we are reminded to turn away from the downward and find salvation and guidance in His word. By answering His call and following Him, we can experience the joy, , and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Arise And Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Arise, and come to Jesus,
He calleth thee today;
The busy crown is thronging
The broad and downward way.

O come, O come,
And on to go,
‘s holy book is open
The way of to show.

Arise, and follow Jesus
Wherever He may lead;
Tho’ rough the path, and thorny,
Press on with all thy speed.


His feet were torn and bleeding
Who pass’d this way before;
But now a King in glory
He reigneth evermore.


Meaning of Arise And Come To Jesus

Arise And Come To Jesus: Finding Salvation and Guidance in God’s Word

In the bustling and chaotic world we live in, it’s easy to feel lost and overwhelmed. We often find ourselves going with the flow, following the crowd, and succumbing to the downward spirals of life. But amidst all the noise and distractions, there is a voice calling out to us, a voice that offers hope, salvation, and a way out of . That voice belongs to Jesus.

In the hymn, “Arise And Come To Jesus,” we are reminded of the loving invitation extended by Jesus to all of us. He calls upon us today, amidst our busyness and distractions, to turn our gaze towards Him. He urges us to step away from the broad and downward way that leads to destruction and instead, choose a path that leads to everlasting life.

God’s holy book, the , is our roadmap, our guidebook, and our source of wisdom. It is through the scriptures that we can find the way to salvation and the pathway to God’s glory. Just like any map, though, it is of no value if it remains closed and untouched. We must open its pages, delve into its teachings, and let it illuminate our path.

When we come to Jesus and follow Him, we embark on a journey that may not always be easy. The hymn reminds us that the path may be rough and thorny, but we are encouraged to press on with all our speed. In other words, we may face obstacles, challenges, and temptations along the way, but the reward of being in Christ’s presence and experiencing His love is worth every hardship.

We can find solace in the fact that we are not the first to walk this path. Jesus Himself walked this earth, and His feet were torn and bleeding as He endured the pain and suffering of the cross for our sake. He provided the ultimate sacrifice, willingly giving His life so that we may find redemption and eternal life. Now, He reigns as a King in glory, interceding for us and guiding us on our journey.

So, what does it mean to arise and come to Jesus? It begins with acknowledging our need for Him. It means humbling ourselves, recognizing that we are lost without His guidance and salvation. We cannot rely solely on our own understanding or the ways of the world. Instead, we must surrender our lives to Him, placing our trust in His perfect plan.

It also means actively seeking His presence and guidance. We do this through prayer, through studying His word, and through fellowship with other believers. When we make Jesus the center of our lives, we align our footsteps with His, walking in the path He has set before us.

There may be times when we stumble and fall. We may veer off course or feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face. But Jesus is always there to pick us up, to guide us back onto the right path, and to shower us with His grace and forgiveness. No matter how far we may stray, His arms are always open, ready to receive us with love and compassion.

As we come to Jesus and follow Him, we discover a love that surpasses all understanding. We experience the joy and peace that can only be found in His presence. And we gain a hope that transcends the fleeting pleasures and empty promises of this world.

In conclusion, “Arise And Come To Jesus” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of the invitation extended by Jesus to all of us. In a world filled with distractions and temptations, He calls us to rise above the noise and follow Him. By opening our hearts to His love, surrendering our lives to His guidance, and actively seeking His presence, we can experience the fullness of life and the way of life He shows us through His holy book. So, let us answer His call today and embark on the journey of a lifetime, where we will find salvation, guidance, and the eternal love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Arise And Come To Jesus: Find salvation and guidance in God's word. Follow Jesus and experience His love, hope, and eternal life. Answer His call today!


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