O Jesus Lord Thou Stoodest In My Stead – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful hymn "O Jesus

O Jesus Lord Thou Stoodest In My Stead – Hymn Lyric

“O Jesus, Lord, Thou Stoodest In My Stead” is a hymn that reflects on Jesus’ sacrifice and the impact it has on our lives. The lyrics express gratitude for His love, the cleansing power of His blood, and His unwavering care for us. This hymn reminds us to trust in Him and Him for His perfect work.


O Jesus Lord Thou Stoodest In My Stead – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, Lord, Thou stoodest in my stead:
God’s holy wrath was poured upon head;
For me Thou once wast numbered with the dead-
For me, O Lord, for me.

O Jesus, Lord, Thy blood has bro’t me nigh,
Has cleansed me from my sins of scarlet dye;
For me Thy blood was shed on Calvary-
For me, O Lord, for me.

O Jesus, Lord, unchanging is Thy love,
Thou liv’st for me at God’s right hand above;
Thy tender care for me I daily prove-
For me, O Lord, for me.

For me, O Lord, Thou hast done all things well;
Tho’ feebly here, Thy praise my voice shall swell
When with , Lord, I shall forever dwell-
With Thee, O Lord, with Thee.

O Jesus, Lord, in Thee may I confide,
In Thee in ev’ry storm and trouble hide,
And trust in Thee, whatever, Lord, betide,
In Thee, O Lord, in Thee.


Meaning of O Jesus Lord Thou Stoodest In My Stead

O Jesus, Lord, Thou Stoodest In My Stead: A Hymn Reflecting on Jesus’ Sacrifice

In the hymn “O Jesus, Lord, Thou Stoodest In My Stead,” we find heartfelt words that express gratitude for Jesus’ sacrifice and the love He demonstrated on the cross. The lyrics remind us of the immense price He paid to redeem us and how His sacrifice continues to impact our lives today. Let us delve deeper into the verses to gain a better understanding of what it means for Jesus to have stood in our stead.

The first verse begins by acknowledging that Jesus, as Lord, took our . The hymn speaks of God’s holy wrath being poured upon His head, emphasizing the weight of our sins that Jesus bore on the cross. This powerful image serves as a reminder that Jesus willingly endured the punishment that should have been ours. He stood in our place, offering Himself as a sacrifice to reconcile us with God.

The second verse highlights the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood. The hymn suggests that His blood has brought us near to God, washing our sins. The imagery of sins as scarlet dye signifies how deeply rooted and stained our transgressions are. Yet, Jesus’ blood shed on Calvary has the power to purify us completely. The hymn emphasizes that Jesus shed His blood for each one of us individually, underscoring His personal and intimate love for us.

Moving on to the third verse, we are reminded of the unchanging nature of Jesus’ love. Even though He ascended to God’s right hand in Heaven, He continues to care for us. The hymn encourages its listeners to experience this tender care in their daily lives. It reassures us that Jesus’ love is unwavering, ever-present, and available to us whenever we need it.

The fourth verse expresses gratitude for Jesus’ perfect work. The hymn acknowledges that although we may be feeble in our attempts to praise Him, our voices will still swell with gratitude for what He has done. Jesus’ sacrifice is acknowledged as flawless and deserving of praise. This verse invites us to anticipate the day when we will dwell with Jesus forever, where our will flow freely and unhindered.

The final verse of the hymn speaks to placing our trust in Jesus. It encourages us to confide in Him, to find refuge in His arms during ‘s storms and troubles. No matter what challenges we face, the hymn reminds us that we can trust in Jesus, knowing that He is with us every step of the way. It encourages us to rely on His strength and guidance, finding peace in His presence.

In conclusion, “O Jesus, Lord, Thou Stoodest In My Stead” is a hymn that beautifully summarizes the essence of Jesus’ sacrifice and its impact on our lives. The lyrics express deep gratitude for His substitutionary act, cleansing blood, unchanging love, perfect work, and trustworthy nature. As we or reflect on this hymn, may we be reminded of the great love and sacrifice that Jesus exhibited on our behalf. Let us never take for granted the price He paid to stand in our stead and bring us closer to God. May our hearts be filled with thankfulness and our lives transformed by His love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful hymn O Jesus, Lord Thou Stoodest In My Stead that reflects on Jesus' sacrifice and love on the cross. Learn the profound meaning behind His substitutionary act, cleansing blood, unchanging love, perfect work, and trustworthy nature. Let gratitude and transformation fill your heart as you delve into this hymn.


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