Shout And Proclaim The Savior Love – Hymn Lyric

"Shout And Proclaim The Savior Love: A Hymn of Joy and Gratitude - Experience the boundless love of our Savior as we join together in praise and spread His message of hope and eternal life. Join us in shouting and proclaiming the Savior's love!"

Shout And Proclaim The Savior Love – Hymn Lyric

In this joyful hymn, we are called to shout and proclaim the Savior’s . It is a love that knows no bounds and brings hope and life. Let us lift our hearts in and spread the boundless grace from our above.


Shout And Proclaim The Savior Love – Hymn Lyric

Shout and proclaim the Saviour’s love,
Ye saints that taste his wine:
Join with your kindred saints above,
In loud Hosannas join.

A thousand glories to our God
Who gives such joy as this;
Hosanna! let it sound abroad,
And reach where Jesus is.

To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
The God, whom we adore,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And shall be .


Meaning of Shout And Proclaim The Savior Love

Shout And Proclaim The Savior’s Love

Music has a beautiful way of touching our hearts and expressing feelings that words alone can’t. One of the most inspiring ways to share our joy and is through hymns, just like the powerful hymn titled “Shout And Proclaim The Savior’s Love.”

This hymn is an uplifting celebration of the love we receive from Jesus, a love so overwhelming that it invites us to join our voices with those of the saints in heaven. What a delightful idea! When we sing together, we’re not just singing with the people around us. We’re singing with a whole family of believers who have ever lived, even those in heaven.

Now imagine you’re at a big family reunion, with relatives from every corner of the world, and everyone is there because of one extraordinary person – the Savior, Jesus. He’s like the grandparent who has been there for everyone, whose stories are full of kindness and love. He’s the one who keeps inviting more and more people to the , and His love is so awesome it’s like a never-ending supply of the sweetest treats, perhaps like the finest wine mentioned in the hymn.

When the hymn says “Shout and proclaim the Savior’s love,” it’s as if we are cheering at the best party ever, celebrating Jesus and His love that makes us so and full of joy. We can’t keep quiet about how cool Jesus is and how much He everyone, so we shout about it. We tell our friends, we sing loudly, and we spread the happiness. This is what it means to let Hosannas join – a loud shout or song of praise to God – it’s like saying “Yay God!” at the top of our lungs.

The hymn captures a genuine joy that comes from knowing God – it’s a joy that doesn’t just make us smile but also fills our hearts so much that we want to share it. It’s like when you find something super fun to do, or you get the perfect gift, and you just have to tell everyone about it. Just like that, but a thousand times better because it’s about the amazing love God has for us.

And then there’s this line that talks about a thousand glories to God. Think about the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen—maybe a sunset that painted the sky with every color, or a mountain so high it seemed to touch the clouds. The glories we give God are like those incredible sights, times a thousand. Each time we notice something amazing in the world, it’s like a tiny reflection of how awesome God is.

But what are these glories, exactly? They’re the praise and honor we give to God for all the amazing things He does—like creating mountains, making the sun set, and most importantly, loving us so much that He sent Jesus to be our friend and Savior. Every time we say a kind word, help someone out, or choose to do the right thing even when it’s hard, we’re giving glory to God.

The hymn also talks about reaching where Jesus is. This isn’t just about shouting loud enough for Him to hear us—although that’s a funny image—Imagine trying to yell to someone in a whole different place! It’s about our love and praise reaching to heaven, where Jesus is. It means that what we do here on earth—our kindness, our praise, and our love—matters all the way up in heaven.

Lastly, the hymn ends by praising not only Jesus (the Son) but also the Father and the Holy Ghost. This is a shout-out to the Holy Trinity, a way of saying that God is three-in-one, like the most fantastic team ever—each part doing different things but all working together in harmony. And this wonderful trio deserves our praise all the time—past, present, and future. That’s what “Be glory, as it was, is now, and shall be evermore” is saying. It’s like a promise that we’ll keep being thankful and showing our love forever.

When we focus on these words, it’s like we’re joining a never-ending song that’s being sung all around the world and beyond. Every time we sing a hymn or even just live with love in our hearts, we’re adding our voices to that beautiful music.

So next time you hear this hymn, “Shout And Proclaim The Savior’s Love,” or any song that talks about the love and joy of knowing Jesus, remember this big, joyful family reunion with believers from all time, including the saintly fans in heaven. Sing proudly, knowing you’re part of a giant chorus of believers worldwide who are all celebrating the same incredible love.

Whether you are at home, at school, or just hanging out with friends, remember these ideas from the hymn: shout out your happiness, celebrate Jesus’ love, and keep that tune of kindness playing in your heart. Just like an awesome playlist that never gets old, the song of faith and love will keep you dancing through life, no matter what comes your way.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Shout And Proclaim The Savior Love: A Hymn of Joy and Gratitude - Experience the boundless love of our Savior as we join together in praise and spread His message of hope and eternal life. Join us in shouting and proclaiming the Savior's love!


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