Jesus I Love Thee Thou Art To Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the deep and unbreakable bond of love with Jesus in "Jesus I Love Thee Thou Art To Me". Discover His unwavering compassion

Jesus I Love Thee Thou Art To Me – Hymn Lyric

I Love Thee, Thou Art To Me” is a heartfelt that expresses a deep and unbreakable love for Jesus. The lyrics emphasize that His love is greater than any earthly friendship and highlight His qualities of compassion, forgiveness, and constant presence. This hymn serves as a reminder to cherish and nurture our relationship with Jesus, inviting us to love Him wholeheartedly.


Jesus I Love Thee Thou Art To Me – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, I love Thee, Thou art to me,
Dearer than ever mortal can be.
Jesus, I love Thee, ,
Earth has no friendship constant as Thine.

Tenderly folded, safe on Thy breast,
There be my refuge, there let me rest.
Full of compassion, loving and mild,
Thou art my father, I am Thy child.

Thou wilt forgive me, when I am wrong;
Thou art my comfort, Thou art my song.
Redeemer, precious to me,
Draw me still closer, closer to Thee.

Jesus, I love Thee, reign in my heart,
Oh, may Thy never depart.
Jesus, I love Thee, yes, Thou art mine,
Living or dying, still I am Thine.

Jesus, I love Thee, Thou art to me,
Dearer than ever mortal can be.


Meaning of Jesus I Love Thee Thou Art To Me

Jesus, I Love Thee: The Unbreakable Bond of Friendship

In this beautiful hymn, the lyrics convey a deep and unwavering love for Jesus, emphasizing that His love is superior to any other earthly friendship. Each verse provides a unique perspective on this love, highlighting different aspects of Jesus’ character and the singer’s personal connection to Him.

The first verse proclaims Jesus to be dearer than any mortal. It recognizes that the love and friendship Jesus offers surpasses anything we can experience with other people. His love is constant, unchanging, and incomparable. This verse also acknowledges Jesus as the Savior, highlighting His divinity and role in our lives.

As the hymn continues, it becomes evident that Jesus is more than just a , but also a refuge. In the second verse, the lyrics paint a comforting image of being tenderly folded and safe on Jesus’ breast. This imagery suggests that no matter what challenges or struggles we may face, Jesus is there to provide a secure and loving refuge. He is like a father to us, and we are His children. The hymn reassures us that even when we make mistakes, Jesus will forgive us and be our source of comfort and joy.

The third verse acknowledges Jesus as a blessed Redeemer. The singer recognizes that Jesus is precious to them, and they long for a closer relationship with Him. This verse invites Jesus to draw the singer even closer, expressing a deep for an intimate connection. It reflects the longing for a continuous presence of Jesus in their heart and the that His Spirit will never depart from them.

As the hymn nears its conclusion, the lyrics assert an unbreakable bond between the singer and Jesus. In the fourth verse, the love declared for Jesus is declared as a possession – “Jesus, I love Thee, yes, Thou art mine.” This line signifies an unyielding commitment to Jesus, regardless of life’s circumstances. The singer affirms their love for Him, whether in life or in death, emphasizing the eternal nature of their bond.

The final verse reiterates the message from the beginning – the love for Jesus surpasses any mortal relationship. The chorus is repeated, emphasizing the depth and intensity of this love. Its inclusion at the end of the hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the central message: Jesus is loved above all else.

The hymn “Jesus, I Love Thee” captures the essence of a profound and unwavering love for Jesus. It celebrates the unique bond believers share with Him, recognizing His divinity, compassion, forgiveness, and constant presence. The lyrics express a longing for a closer relationship with Jesus and a desire to keep His spirit alive in their hearts. It encourages believers to recognize Jesus as their ultimate refuge, comfort, and source of joy. Each verse and the repetition of the chorus reinforce the importance and depth of this love, making it a significant and cherished aspect of the singer’s life.

In conclusion, “Jesus I Love Thee, Thou Art To Me” speaks of a deep and abiding love for Jesus that goes beyond any mortal relationship. It affirms His divinity, acknowledges His role as Savior, and highlights His qualities of compassion, forgiveness, and love. This hymn serves as a reminder of the unbreakable bond between believers and Jesus, inviting us to cherish and nurture our relationship with Him. Let this hymn inspire us to love Jesus wholeheartedly and seek His presence in every aspect of our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the deep and unbreakable bond of love with Jesus in Jesus I Love Thee Thou Art To Me. Discover His unwavering compassion, forgiveness, and constant presence in this beautiful hymn.


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