Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of "Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us" hymn. Understand the depth of God's love

Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us – Hymn Lyric

“Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us” is a that celebrates ‘s incredible love, redemption, and guidance in our lives. It reminds us to honor and give thanks to the Lord alone for His sacrificial love. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to proclaim His mighty love and crown Him as our Lord of lords and King of kings.


Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us – Hymn Lyric

Praise we give unto him who loved us,
Who hath redeemed and made us his own!
All majesty, honor, and thanksgiving
Be unto him alone.

Tell his mighty love, for he is worthy, he is worthy;
Come before him with a song,
For to him belong;
Tell his mighty love, for he is worthy, he is worthy;
Until earth his glory sings,
Crown him Lord of lords and King of kings.

We were lost, but he sought and found us,
And, as a shepherd cares for the sheep,
The great strong arms of his grace and mercy
‘Round us are thrown to keep.


He will guard us and safely guide us
Onward and upward day after day,
If we but follow the way he leads, and
All his commands obey.


Meaning of Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us

In this beautiful hymn titled “Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us,” we are reminded of the incredible love and redemption offered to us by our . It encourages us to give praise, honor, and thanksgiving to Him alone. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning behind the verses and explore the significance of praising our worthy Lord.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the immense love that God has for us. It highlights how He loved us so much that He redeemed us and made us His own. This powerful statement reminds us of the sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated by freely giving His life for our . It is a love that surpasses all understanding and deserves our utmost praise.

As we sing this hymn, we are called to tell of His mighty love. The refrain emphasizes that He is worthy of our songs of praise. It is through our that we express our gratitude and adoration for the boundless love and grace we have received from Him. We should never hesitate to declare His mighty love to the and share the joy that comes from knowing Him.

The hymn then draws a parallel between Christ and a shepherd caring for his sheep. It beautifully depicts how we were once lost, but Jesus sought and found us. Just as a shepherd diligently seeks out a lost sheep, our Savior has gone to great lengths to rescue and us back to Him. The imagery of His “great strong arms of grace and mercy” wrapped around us paints a picture of His protection and constant watchfulness over our lives.

In the following verse, we are reminded of the guidance and assistance that God provides as we journey through life. He promises to guard us and safely guide us. Just as a shepherd leads his sheep, our Lord shows us the way we should go. All we need to do is follow Him and obey His commands. By doing so, we can experience His protection, direction, and provision.

The concluding refrain encourages us to continue telling of His mighty love until the whole earth sings His glory. It declares Jesus as the Lord of lords and King of kings, inviting us to crown Him with our praises. It is a clear call to honor Him not only through our words but also through our actions and lives. We are invited to live in a way that reflects His love and to spread His goodness to those around us.

As we reflect on this hymn, it becomes evident that praise is not just an act of songs; it is a lifestyle deeply rooted in gratitude, reverence, and obedience to our Lord. It is through praise that we recognize and acknowledge God’s immense love, redemption, and guidance in our lives. When we fully grasp the depth of His love, our natural response should be to give Him our praise and to share it with others.

So let us continue to sing this hymn with joy and enthusiasm, understanding the meaning behind the lyrics. Let us proclaim His mighty love to the world, for He is truly worthy. May our lives be a testament to His grace, and may our praise ring out until the entire earth resounds with His glory. Let us crown Him as our Lord of lords and King of kings, for He is deserving of all honor and praise.

In conclusion, “Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of God’s love, redemption, and guidance in our lives. It reminds us of the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for our salvation and calls us to live a life of praise and thanksgiving. As we declare His mighty love, we invite others to join in praising Him and experiencing the transformative power of His grace. So let us unite our voices and hearts in worship, exalting our worthy Lord who loved us and made us His own.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of Praise We Give Unto Him Who Loved Us hymn. Understand the depth of God's love, redemption, and guidance in our lives. Join in praising our worthy Lord who loved us.


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