Return My Soul Unto Thy Rest From Vain – Hymn Lyric

Find peace and contentment by returning your soul to rest from vain pursuits and maddening cares. Discover true fulfillment in God and embrace the teachings of Christ.

Return My Soul Unto Thy Rest From Vain – Hymn Lyric

Pursuits and Maddening Cares: Finding and Contentment In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it can be easy to get caught up in vain pursuits and maddening cares. We constantly chase after things that promise happiness, only to find ourselves feeling empty and unfulfilled. But deep within our souls, there is a longing for something more, something that will bring lasting peace and contentment. The hymn “Return, my soul, unto thy rest” reminds us of the importance of finding rest from the worldly temptations and snares that surround us. It encourages us to turn away from the lonely woes that weigh us down and instead seek solace in a higher power. This idea of returning to a of rest is not limited to physical rest, but encompasses a sense of inner tranquility and spiritual fulfillment.


Return My Soul Unto Thy Rest From Vain – Hymn Lyric

Return, my soul, unto thy rest,
From vain pursuits and madd’ning cares,
From lonely woes that wring thy breast,
The world’s allurements,–‘s snares.

Return unto thy rest, my soul,
From all the wanderings of thy thought,
From sickness unto death made whole,
Safe through a thousand perils brought.

Then to thy rest, my soul, return
From passions every hour at strife;
‘s works, and ways, and wages spurn,
Lay hold upon eternal .

God is thy Rest,–with heart inclined
To keep His Word, that Word believe;
Christ is thy Rest,–with lowly mind.
His light and easy yoke receive.


Meaning of Return My Soul Unto Thy Rest From Vain

Pursuits and Maddening Cares: Finding Peace and Contentment

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it can be easy to get caught up in vain pursuits and maddening cares. We constantly chase after things that promise happiness, only to find ourselves feeling empty and unfulfilled. But deep within our souls, there is a longing for something more, something that will bring lasting peace and contentment.

The hymn “Return, my soul, unto thy rest” reminds us of the importance of finding rest from the worldly temptations and snares that surround us. It encourages us to turn away from the lonely woes that weigh us down and instead seek solace in a higher power. This idea of returning to a place of rest is not limited to physical rest, but encompasses a sense of inner tranquility and spiritual fulfillment.

We live in a world that constantly bombards us with messages telling us we need to achieve more, acquire more, and be more. There is an insatiable for success, wealth, and recognition. We may find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of material possessions, believing that they will bring us happiness and satisfaction. However, we often discover that the more we obtain, the more we crave. And in this never-ending cycle, our souls become restless, always searching for something beyond what the world can offer.

But the hymn calls us to return our souls to rest, to seek refuge from these vain pursuits. It reminds us that true contentment is not found in worldly possessions or achievements, but in finding our purpose and fulfillment in something greater than ourselves. It is in recognizing that we are not alone in this journey and that there is a higher power who offers us rest from our burdens.

Returning to rest involves turning away from the distractions and temptations that pull us away from the path of contentment. It requires us to let go of the worries and anxieties that weigh heavily on our hearts and minds. The world may offer temporary pleasures, but they are fleeting and ultimately leave us feeling empty. It is only when we find solace in something deeper, when we redirect our focus towards what truly matters, that we can experience true peace.

The hymn assures us that God is our rest, our source of comfort and refuge. When we turn our hearts towards Him, when we place our trust in His promises, we can find the rest we so desperately crave. It encourages us to keep His Word, to believe in His truths, knowing that in Him, we can find the peace and contentment our souls long for.

But finding rest is not just about seeking refuge in God. It is also about adopting a mindset of humility and , represented in the hymn by the phrase “Christ is thy Rest, with lowly mind.” We are reminded of the importance of letting go of our own desires and selfish ambitions and instead embracing the teachings and example of . It is in following His ways, in accepting His light and easy yoke, that we can find true rest for our souls.

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is easy to get caught up in the struggles and stresses of life. We may find ourselves overwhelmed by the demands of school, relationships, and responsibilities. Yet, the hymn reminds us that amidst all the challenges and hardships, there is a place of rest for our weary souls.

Returning to rest is not a one-time event, but a continuous process. It requires us to constantly realign our priorities and refocus our energies towards what truly matters. It calls us to let go of the things that weigh us down and embrace the peace that comes from surrendering to a higher power. It invites us to find contentment in the simple joys of life and in the relationships that bring us and support.

So, soul, amidst the vain pursuits and maddening cares of this world, may you find the courage to return to your rest. May you find solace in the embrace of a loving God who offers you refuge from the storms of life. And may you discover true peace and contentment by following in the footsteps of Jesus, who invites you to take His yoke upon you and find rest for your weary soul.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find peace and contentment by returning your soul to rest from vain pursuits and maddening cares. Discover true fulfillment in God and embrace the teachings of Christ.


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