Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful hymn "Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe" and delve into the immense suffering and sacrifice Jesus endured for humanity's redemption. Understand the depths of His love and selflessness.

Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe” depicts the immense suffering and sacrifice of Jesus for humanity’s sake. Jesus faced solitude, prayed for deliverance, and ultimately accepted His fate as a necessary sacrifice to remove the curse of sin. This hymn is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ love and selflessness, inspiring gratitude and devotion in those who reflect on His sacrifice.


Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe – Hymn Lyric

Immanuel, sunk with dreadful woe,
Unfelt, unknown to all below-
Except the of God-

In agonizing pangs of soul,
Drinks deep from wormwood’s bitterest bowl,
And sweats great drops of blood.

See His disciples slumbering round,
Nor pitying on earth is found!
He treads the press alone:

In vain to Heav’n He turns His eyes,
The curse Him from the skies-
His death it must atone.

“O Father, hear! this cup remove!
Save the darling of Thy love”
(The prostrate victim cries)

“From overwhelming fear and dread!”
Tho’ He must mingle with the dead-
His people’s sacrifice.

His earnest , His deepening groans,
Were heard before angelic thrones;
Amazement wrapped the sky;

“Go strengthen Christ!” the Father said:
Th’astonished seraph bowed his head,
And left the realms on high.

Made strong in strength, from Heav’n,
Jesus receives the cup as giv’n,
And, perfectly resigned,

He drinks the wormwood mixed with gall,
Sustains the curse-removes it all-
Nor leaves a dreg behind.


Meaning of Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe

In the hymn “Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe,” we are reminded of the immense suffering that Jesus experienced for the sake of humanity. The hymn paints a vivid picture of Jesus’ solitude during his darkest moments and his plea to God for deliverance from the impending death that would ultimately become the salvation of His people.

The hymn begins by describing Jesus as being consumed by a woeful state, unknown and unfelt by anyone but Himself. It highlights that He bore the weight of our sins and the impending pain and anguish that awaited Him. While His disciples slept, unaware of the intense turmoil within their Savior, Jesus walked this treacherous path alone. He turned His eyes to heaven, hoping for divine intervention, yet realizing that His own sacrifice was necessary to atone for the curse of sin that hung over humanity.

Ingesting the cup of suffering and pain, Jesus prays to God, seeking the removal of this unbearable . As the beloved Son of God, He begs for deliverance from the overwhelming fear and dread that encompassed Him. Even though the impending reality was His death, Jesus selflessly accepts this fate as a necessary sacrifice for the redemption of His people.

The hymn emphasizes the intensity of Jesus’ prayers and the depths of His groans, which resonated with the angels above. The celestial beings were astonished at the unwavering determination and unwavering commitment displayed by Jesus. Witnessing this remarkable sight, an angel is sent to strengthen Christ on His harrowing journey. The messenger bows his head in reverence, acknowledging the divine mission entrusted to Jesus to save humanity.

With renewed strength and fortitude from above, Jesus willingly takes the cup given to Him. He embraces it as a testament to His perfect submission to God’s will. In drinking the bitter mixture of wormwood and gall, He bears the full weight of humanity’s sin and sustains the curse without leaving behind a single drop. Jesus’ sacrifice abolishes the curse and paves the way for the redemption of mankind, removing all remnants of guilt and shame.

The title, “Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe,” captures the heart-wrenching scene of Jesus’ immense suffering, emphasizing the depths of His sacrifice. By incorporating this title into our discussion, we can attract readers who are searching for insight into this powerful hymn. The keyword “Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe” becomes an SEO tool, allowing individuals to find our comprehensive explanation and analysis of the hymn’s meaning and significance.

In conclusion, the hymn “Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe” beautifully portrays the immense suffering and sacrifice that Jesus endured for the redemption of humanity. It reminds us of the selflessness and love displayed by our Savior, who willingly took on the weight of our sins. Through His perfect submission to God’s will, Jesus removed the curse and offered us the gift of salvation. May this hymn inspire us to reflect on the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice and to live our lives with gratitude and devotion to Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful hymn Immanuel Sunk With Dreadful Woe and delve into the immense suffering and sacrifice Jesus endured for humanity's redemption. Understand the depths of His love and selflessness.


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