Jesus Reigns Forever Mighty Victor Still – Hymn Lyric

Discover the eternal reign of Jesus Christ as the mighty victor who fulfills His word. Find joy and consolation in obeying His will. Join the unending song of praise to our transcendent King who brings salvation and blessings to all.

Jesus Reigns Forever Mighty Victor Still – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “ Reigns Forever, Mighty Victor Still,” we are reminded of Jesus’ reign and power over all things. The hymn emphasizes the joy and that come from obeying His will, praising Him as our mighty King who brings peace and . It encourages us to trust in His sovereignty and join in the unending song of hallelujahs that resound in heaven.


Jesus Reigns Forever Mighty Victor Still – Hymn Lyric

Jesus reigns forever,
mighty Victor still;
Tempest, wave and sunshine
shall His word fulfill;
Pardon and salvation,
Joy and consolation,
the people
who obey His will.

Jesus reigns,
our mighty King forever!
Jesus reigns!
transcendent in His love.
Let our praises, blending,
Join the song unending,
Swell the hallelujahs
of the world above.

Jesus reigns forever,
blessed Prince of Peace;
Thro’ the world’s dominions
may His word increase;
By His grace unfailing,
Over sin prevailing,
Wonderful His kingdom,
nevermore to cease.


Jesus reigns forever
on His heav’nly throne;
Yield Him glad allegiance,
serving Him alone;
When the finished story
Shall record His glory,
We shall sing His mercy,
and His goodness own.


Meaning of Jesus Reigns Forever Mighty Victor Still

In this hymn, titled “Jesus Reigns Forever, Mighty Victor Still,” we are reminded of the eternal reign of Jesus Christ and His power over all things. The hymn describes how Jesus fulfills His word amidst the tempest, waves, and sunshine, bringing pardon and salvation to those who obey His will.

The first verse speaks of Jesus as the mighty victor who reigns forever. It expresses the belief that His word has the power to calm storms and blessings. When we follow His teachings and live according to His will, we are filled with joy and consolation. The hymn emphasizes the happiness that comes from obeying Jesus and the appreciation we have for His rule over our lives.

The refrain, “Jesus reigns, our mighty King forever! Jesus reigns! transcendent in His love. Let our praises, blending, Join the song unending, Swell the hallelujahs of the world above,” reinforces the idea that Jesus is the ultimate ruler and deserves our praise. His reign is described as transcendent, meaning it goes beyond any earthly limitations. It encourages us to join in the unending song of praise to Jesus, spreading the hallelujahs to the world above.

Moving on to the second verse, Jesus is portrayed as the blessed Prince of Peace. The hymn expresses the that His word may increase throughout the world’s dominions. It acknowledges the power of His grace, which never fails, and how it can prevail over sin. The description of Jesus’ kingdom as wonderful and eternal reveals the optimism and faith that His reign will last forever and bring peace to all.

In the third verse, Jesus is depicted as reigning forever on His throne. Here, we are called to serve Him alone and pledge our allegiance to Him. The hymn envisions the future when the finished story of Jesus’ glory is recorded, and we will joyfully sing of His mercy and goodness. It emphasizes the gratitude we will have for the ways in which Jesus has showered us with love and blessings.

Overall, this hymn beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ eternal reign as the mighty victor. It highlights the importance of obedience to His will, the power of His word, and the blessings that come from following Him. The title, “Jesus Reigns Forever, Mighty Victor Still,” encapsulates the main theme of the hymn, pointing to Jesus as the unfailing ruler who continues to display His power and goodness.

As we reflect on this hymn, we are reminded of the unchanging nature of Jesus’ reign and the hope it brings. It encourages us to trust in His sovereignty and to find comfort and joy in obeying His will. By spreading the message of His love and praising Him unceasingly, we join in the eternal song of hallelujahs that resound in heaven. Let us continue to celebrate and honor Jesus as our mighty King who reigns forever!


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the eternal reign of Jesus Christ as the mighty victor who fulfills His word. Find joy and consolation in obeying His will. Join the unending song of praise to our transcendent King who brings salvation and blessings to all.


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