My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come – Hymn Lyric

Maximize comfort and understanding in the face of mortality with the hymn "My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come." Find solace in the Great King and embrace hope in darkness.

My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come – Hymn Lyric

The titled “My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come” explores the inevitability of death and the longing for comfort in the face of the unknown. It acknowledges the vulnerability and struggles we face in , and offers solace in turning to a higher power for support. This thoughtful hymn reminds us to cherish the present and seek solace in times of uncertainty.


My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come – Hymn Lyric

My soul,
the awful hour
will come, Apace it passeth on, To bear this body
to the tomb,
And thee to scenes unknown.

My ,
long lab’ring with its woes,
Shall pant and sink ; And you,
my eye-lids, soon shall close,
On the last glimm’ring ray.

Whence in that hour
shall I receive
A cordial for my pain, When,
if earth’s monarchs were my friends,
Those friends would weep in vain?

Great King
of nature and of !
To thee my flies,
And opens all its deep distress
Before pitying eyes.

All its desires
to thee are known,
And ev’ry secret fear; The meaning of
each broken groan
Well notic’d by thine ear.

O fix me by
that mighty pow’r,
Which to such love belongs, Where darkness veils
the eyes no more,
And groans are chang’d to songs.


Meaning of My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come

As my pen touches the paper, I am reminded of the beautiful and thought-provoking hymn titled “My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come.” In this hymn, the songwriter captures the profound realization that all of us, at some point in our lives, will face the inevitability of death. The lyrics express both a sense of vulnerability and a longing for comfort in the face of this unknown journey.

The opening verse of the hymn highlights the imminent arrival of this dreadful hour. It gently warns the reader that the moment when our bodies are laid to rest and we venture into the realms of the unknown is fast approaching. It paints a picture of an impending farewell to the familiar and dear aspects of life. Even in its simplicity, it captures the essence of human mortality in a way that resonates deeply.

The hymn doesn’t shy away from acknowledging the pain and sorrows that burden our hearts as we contemplate our mortality. It beautifully captures the struggles and hardship that we experience in life, which eventually culminate in our final moments. It speaks directly to the heart, acknowledging the laboring and heaviness that we carry, and how it can sometimes become overwhelming.

The songwriter then directs their attention to the physicality of death, as they envision their eyelids closing on the last glimmer of life. It is a poignant moment, as if staring into the abyss of eternity. This verse reminds us that death is an intimate and personal experience, one that is uniquely ours. It reminds us that death is inevitable, and it calls us to reflect upon our own mortality.

Amidst the melancholy and uncertainty of this hymn, there is a glimmer of hope and solace. The verse raises an important question – where can we find comfort and support in our darkest hour? The writer suggests that even if earthly monarchs were our friends, their tears would be in vain, as death is a journey we must face alone. It is a striking reminder that no amount of power or wealth can ultimately protect us from our own mortality.

Yet, in our despair, there is a of light. The hymn directs our attention towards the Great King of nature and grace, someone who is capable of holding our troubled spirits and understanding our deepest fears. It encourages us to turn to this mighty power, to seek solace and support in our times of distress. It reminds us that despite the overwhelming nature of death, there is a source of comfort that we can rely on.

The hymn acknowledges that this Great King is privy to our desires and fears, that He knows the meaning behind every broken groan. It speaks to our innate need to be understood and cared for, even in our darkest moments. It reassures us that we are not alone in our struggles, that there is a that is compassionate and empathetic towards our pain.

In the concluding verse, the hymn expresses a longing for a resolution. It longs for a time when darkness no longer clouds our vision, when our groans are transformed into melodies. It paints a picture of a place where our sorrows and struggles are washed away, where we can find everlasting and joy. It speaks to our human desire for redemption, for a transcendent experience that brings meaning and purpose to our lives.

“My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come” teaches us the universal truth that death is an inescapable reality. It forces us to confront our own mortality, highlighting the importance of cherishing the moments we have and seeking solace in the face of uncertainty. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is hope and comfort to be found. It prompts us to turn to a higher power, to seek refuge in a divine presence that understands and empathizes with our deepest fears.

As I conclude this exploration of the hymn, I am reminded of the power of music and lyrics to uplift and console us. It is through songs like “My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come” that we can find solace, inspiration, and a sense of connection with the human experience. May these words serve as a gentle reminder to appreciate the present moment and to seek comfort in the face of life’s inevitable uncertainties.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Maximize comfort and understanding in the face of mortality with the hymn My Soul The Awful Hour Will Come. Find solace in the Great King and embrace hope in darkness.


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