To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give – Hymn Lyric

To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give - Give thanks to Lord Jesus for His sacrifices and find solace in His love and mercy. Seek His guidance and endure life's challenges with faith and assurance. Rejoice in His eternal love and offer praises for His blessings.

To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give – Hymn Lyric

To Thee, Lord , thanks we give for the sacrifices made so we may live. Your death has set us free from sin’s chains, and through Your blood, remains. We offer our praises and for in You, we find eternal fortitude.


To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus, we give thanks to Thee
That Thou hast died to set us free;
Made righteous thro’ Thy precious blood,
We now are reconciled to .

By virtue of Thy wounds we pray,
True God and Man, be Thou our Stay,
Our Comfort when we yield our breath,
Our Rescue from eternal death.

Defend us, Lord, from sin and shame;
Help us by Thine almighty name
To bear our crosses patiently
Consoled by Thy great agony.

And thus the full assurance gain
That Thou to us wilt true remain
And not forsake us in our strife
Until we enter into life.



Meaning of To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give

To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give

In our lives, we encounter various challenges, joys, and moments of reflection that call for a hearty dose of gratitude and . The hymn “To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give” is a beautiful expression of such thankfulness, directed to the one figure who is central to the Christian faith—Jesus . This hymn, rich in spiritual wisdom and comfort, provides us with a moment to pause and consider the significance of Jesus’s role in our journey through life.

The beginning of the hymn immediately acknowledges the Jesus made, “That Thou hast died to set us free.” It’s a powerful statement that resonates with the core of Christian belief—the idea that Jesus’s death on the cross was an act to liberate humanity from the bondage of sin. For Christians, this concept is not just a distant theological idea; it’s a deeply personal reality that offers reassurance and hope. It declares that no matter the mistakes we make, there is forgiveness available through the extraordinary displayed by Jesus.

Moving forward in the hymn, we are reminded that this liberation comes through something incredibly precious—Jesus’s own blood. This vivid imagery speaks to the depth of Jesus’s commitment to humanity, a commitment so profound that it involved the ultimate sacrifice. The mention of “Made righteous thro’ Thy precious blood” teaches that it is not through our own efforts that we are made right, but through Jesus’s selfless act. This can be eye-opening because it means our value and our worth are not contingent on our perfection, but instead on Jesus’s.

Our reconciliation with God is central to the hymn’s message. Often, we may feel distant or disconnected from the divine, perhaps wondering if our wrongdoings have created a chasm too wide to cross. However, “We now are reconciled to God” serves as a beautiful reminder that the relationship between humanity and the divine is restored, that there is no distance love cannot bridge. This idea is incredibly comforting, especially in moments of doubt or loneliness.

As the hymn progresses, it acts as a prayer—a conversation—with Jesus. It asks Jesus to be our Stay, our Comfort, and our Rescue. This is an ask for Jesus to remain with us, to keep us steady in times when life can feel overwhelming. During the toughest parts of life, such as when we deal with loss or confront our own mortality, the hymn asks for Jesus to be our source of solace. It emphasizes that no matter how challenging life gets, we can find peace and relief in knowing Jesus is with us. This ask for Jesus to stay with us in bad times as well as good is very much like asking for a steadfast who never gives up on us.

The plea for defense against sin and shame highlights the battles we all face with our own imperfections. “Defend us, Lord, from sin and shame” is an acknowledgment that we all make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes can haunt us. Through this hymn, we’re reminded that we don’t have to fight those battles alone. Jesus’s name is called upon as an “almighty name,” a source of power and strength when we feel weak and vulnerable. This call for aid encourages us to rely not just on our strength but to seek help from a higher power.

“Bear our crosses patiently” is quite a profound line. It’s an urging to embrace life’s challenges with patience and grace, knowing that Jesus, too, bore his cross. It’s a reminder that while struggles might be an inevitable part of life, the manner in which we handle them can be inspired by Jesus’s own endurance and faith. This is especially poignant as every person has their own cross to bear—a personal struggle or challenge that may feel unique to them.

The conclusion of the hymn brings us full circle with a promise and a hope. In singing “And thus the full assurance gain / That Thou to us wilt true remain / And not forsake us in our strife / Until we enter into life,” we are reaffirming our belief that Jesus will be with us every step of the way. There is an immense strength that comes from this belief—an assurance that we are never truly alone no matter what life throws at us. It’s a reinforcement of the message that there is a perpetual source of support and love available to us.

“To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give” is not just a song of gratitude; it’s a narrative of support, love, and everlasting presence. It speaks to the heart of what many find to be the cornerstone of their faith—Jesus’s enduring dedication to humanity. It’s why the of voices rises in churches, echoing the thanks to someone they see as a savior, a friend, and a guide.

To give thanks through this hymn is to participate in a tradition of recognizing the spiritual bond that believers share with Jesus. It is to say that in the bright days and the dark nights, in moments of triumph and in times of trial, there is a hand to hold onto—one that won’t let go. It’s an invitation to all to find solace in the grace that blankets life with hope and to walk a path lined with the promise of compassion and companionship. For followers of Jesus, to give thanks is to embrace a love that knows no bounds and to share in the joy and peace that it brings.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image To Thee Lord Jesus Thanks We Give - Give thanks to Lord Jesus for His sacrifices and find solace in His love and mercy. Seek His guidance and endure life's challenges with faith and assurance. Rejoice in His eternal love and offer praises for His blessings.


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