O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hymn "O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet" expressing deep love and adoration for Jesus. Experience His presence in the darkest hours and find strength and guidance in His sacred wisdom. Immerse yourself in the beauty and sweetness of our beloved Lord.

O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet – Hymn Lyric

In the “O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet,” the author expresses their deep and adoration for Jesus, referring to Him as the fairest and most sweet Lord. They recognize His presence in the darkest hours, when they fall before His feet and sing to Him. This hymn emphasizes Jesus’ beauty and sweetness, capturing the author’s profound admiration and serving as an SEO keyword for those seeking devotional content centered around His loveliness.


O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus Lord, most fair, most passing sweet,
In darkest hours revealed in love to me,
In those dark hours I fall before Thy feet,
I sing to Thee.

I join the song of love, and I adore
With those who worship Thee for evermore.
Thou art the Sun of every eye,
The Gladness everywhere,
The guiding Voice for ever nigh,
The Strength to do and bear;
The sacred Lore of wisdom’s store,
The Life of life to all,
The Order mystic, marvellous
In all things great and small.

Thy love hast Thou told from the days of old,
Thou hast written my name in Thy Book ;
Engraved on Thy hands and Thy feet it stands,
And on Thy side as a sign;
O glorious Man in the garden of God,
Thy sacred Manhood is mine.

I kneel on the golden floor of
With my box of ointment sweet,
Grant unto me, Thy much forgiven,
To kiss and anoint Thy feet.

“Where wilt thou find that ointment rare,
O My beloved one?”
Thou brakest my heart, and didst find it there,
Rest there alone.

“There is no embalming so sweet to Me
As to dwell, my well-beloved, in thee.”

Lord, take me home to Thy palace fair,
So will I ever anoint Thee there.

“I will, but My plighted troth saith, ‘Wait,’
And My love saith, ‘ to-day;’
My meekness saith, ‘Be of low estate,’
And My longing, ‘Watch and pray;’
My shame and sorrow say, ‘Bear My cross;’
My song saith, ‘Win the crown;’
My guerdon saith, ‘All else is loss;’
My patience saith, ‘Be still;’
Till thou shalt lay the burden down,
Then, when I will.

Then, beloved, the crown and palm,
And then the music and the psalm;
And the cup of joy My hand shall fill
Till it overflow;
And with singing I strike the harp of gold
I have tuned below.

The harp I tune in desolate years
Of sorrow and tears,
Till a music sweet the chords repeat,
Which all the heavens shall fill;
For the holy courts of God made meet,
Then, when I will.


Meaning of O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet

In the hymn “O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet,” the author expresses their deep love and adoration for Jesus, referring to Him as the fairest and most sweet Lord. They recognize His presence in the darkest hours, when they fall before His feet and sing praises to Him.

The hymn begins by describing Jesus as the Sun of every eye, the source of gladness everywhere, and the guiding Voice that is always near. Jesus is portrayed as the strength that enables us to face challenges and the wisdom that guides us in life. The author sees Jesus as the sacred knowledge that exists in all things, both great and small.

The hymn continues by acknowledging the love that Jesus has for each individual. They believe that Jesus has revealed His love since ancient times and has even written their name in His divine Book. The author considers themselves to be part of Jesus’ sacred Manhood and is grateful for the love and forgiveness they have received. They express a desire to kneel before Jesus and offer Him their love and devotion, comparing themselves to a person with a box of ointment seeking to anoint His feet.

Jesus asks the author where they obtained such precious ointment, and the author responds by saying that Jesus broke their heart and found the ointment within. The hymn suggests that the act of giving oneself completely to Jesus is the greatest embalming or anointing. Jesus finds great pleasure in dwelling within the author, and they find solace in His presence.

The hymn then shifts to a longing to be taken to Jesus’ palace, where they can continuously anoint Him with their love and devotion. However, Jesus tells the author to wait, as there is still work to be done in the present. They are called to embrace humility, meekness, and patience, to bear His cross, and to watch and pray. Jesus assures them that when the time is right, He will bring them home to His palace.

The author eagerly anticipates the rewards that await them in heaven. They envision being crowned with victory and receiving a palm of triumph. The hymn portrays a scene of heavenly celebration filled with music and praise. The overflowing cup of joy in Jesus’ hand symbolizes the abundance of blessings that await the faithful. The author also speaks of striking a harp of gold, which they have diligently tuned through the desolate years of sorrow and tears.

Ultimately, the hymn proclaims a message of and assurance in the promise of joy and fulfillment in Jesus’ presence. It encourages believers to hold on to their faith, knowing that Jesus will fulfill His promises in His perfect timing.

The title of the hymn, “O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet,” captures the central theme and tone of the piece. It emphasizes the beauty, sweetness, and divine nature of Jesus, highlighting the author’s deep admiration and love for Him. This title can serve as an SEO keyword for individuals searching for hymns or devotional content centered around Jesus’ loveliness and sweetness.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet” beautifully expresses the love and adoration the author has for Jesus. It paints a vivid picture of His presence in the darkest hours and encourages believers to seek His guidance and strength. The hymn reminds us of Jesus’ deep love for each individual and His desire to dwell within our hearts. It also encourages us to patiently endure trials and challenges, knowing that the rewards and joy in Jesus’ presence will surpass all else. The title of the hymn serves as an effective SEO keyword to attract readers searching for devotional content focused on Jesus’ beauty and sweetness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the hymn O Jesus Lord Most Fair Most Passing Sweet expressing deep love and adoration for Jesus. Experience His presence in the darkest hours and find strength and guidance in His sacred wisdom. Immerse yourself in the beauty and sweetness of our beloved Lord.


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