Speak For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Maximize Your Impact: Speak for Jesus and Share His Message of Grace. Let His Spirit guide you as you use your voice to spread His love and truth. A hymn that reminds us of the power of our words and the privilege of telling others about His mercy and grace.

Speak For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Speak For : A Call to Share His Message of Grace” urges us to rise above the distractions of the world and boldly share the message of Jesus. We do not have to do it alone, for Jesus will guide our words and actions. By speaking for Jesus with humility and love, we can lead others to experience His mercy and grace.


Speak For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Speak for Jesus;
He hath touched you, raised you from the death of sin;
Use for Him the He gives you;
Rise, and precious jewels win!

Arise and speak! Arise and speak!
Christ is list’ning now above;
Arise and speak for Him Who saves you,
Arise and speak for Him you love!

Speak for Jesus;
Not unaided shall we go before His face;
He will take our lips and fill them
With the message of His grace.

Speak for Jesus;
Let His Spirit tell you what to do and say;
Humbly, gladly own your Savior;
Let your light shine out today!

Speak for Jesus, Savior!
Tell of , sweet and true;
Pleading, on His throne of glory,
He is speaking now for you.


Meaning of Speak For Jesus

Speak For Jesus: A Call to Share His Message of Grace

In a world filled with noise and distractions, it can be easy to keep our hidden, to quiet the message of Jesus within us. But we are called to rise above that, to let our voices be heard and to speak for Jesus. The “Speak For Jesus” reminds us of this important task, urging us to use the life and grace He has given us to spread His love and truth.

When we think about speaking for Jesus, it can feel overwhelming. We may worry about saying the wrong thing or not having all the answers. But the beauty of speaking for Jesus is that we do not do it alone. The hymn reminds us that we are not unaided in our mission. Jesus Himself will take our lips and fill them with the message of His grace. He will guide us, empower us, and give us the words we need.

So how do we speak for Jesus? How do we let His message of love and redemption flow through us? The answer lies in being open to the leading of His Spirit. The hymn encourages us to let His Spirit tell us what to do and say. This requires humility and a willingness to let go of our own desires and plans. It means surrendering to Him and allowing His will to guide our actions and words.

Speaking for Jesus doesn’t necessarily mean preaching from a pulpit or standing on a street corner. While those methods have their , speaking for Jesus can happen in the everyday moments of life. It can happen in the way we treat others, in the way we respond to injustice, and in the way we share our own stories of redemption.

When we speak for Jesus, we have the privilege of telling others about the mercies He offers. We can share the sweetness and truth of His love, grace, and forgiveness. The hymn calls us to plead on His throne of glory, knowing that He is speaking on our behalf as well. Our words, backed by His powerful intercession, can have a profound impact on those who hear them.

Speaking for Jesus also means letting our light shine. In a world filled with , we have the opportunity to be beacons of hope and truth. We can let our actions speak louder than our words, showing the love of Jesus through acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity. By shining our light, we can draw others closer to Him and make a lasting difference in their lives.

But speaking for Jesus requires action. It’s not enough to simply believe in our hearts; we must let that belief transform the way we live. The hymn challenges us to rise and speak, reminding us that Christ is listening from above. Every day is an opportunity to share the message of Jesus, to proclaim His love and to those around us.

So, let us embrace this call to speak for Jesus, to rise up and use the life He has given us to win precious jewels for His kingdom. Let us allow His Spirit to guide us, to shape our words, and to direct our steps. And let us remember that speaking for Jesus isn’t about eloquence or having all the answers. It’s about sharing His love and grace in whatever way we can, knowing that He is speaking through us and working in the hearts of those who hear.

In conclusion, “Speak For Jesus” is a hymn that encourages us to boldly use our voices and lives to share the message of Jesus. It reminds us that we are not alone in this mission, for He will guide our words and actions. Let us embrace this call and speak for Jesus with humility, love, and passion. May our words and actions be a testament to His mercy and grace, and may we lead others to experience the and hope found in Him.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Maximize Your Impact: Speak for Jesus and Share His Message of Grace. Let His Spirit guide you as you use your voice to spread His love and truth. A hymn that reminds us of the power of our words and the privilege of telling others about His mercy and grace.


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