Jesus Saves Me Every Day – Hymn Lyric

Discover how Jesus saves us every day

Jesus Saves Me Every Day – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Saves Me Every Day: Finding Strength and Joy in His Unfailing Love” is a powerful that highlights the constant presence and saving power of Jesus in our lives. No matter the circumstances, Jesus is there to guide us through the darkness and , offering solace and assurance. Through this hymn, we are reminded of the personal relationship we can have with Jesus, finding rest and peace in His unfailing love.


Jesus Saves Me Every Day – Hymn Lyric

Jesus saves me ev’ry day,
Jesus saves me ev’ry ,
Jesus saves me all the way,
Thro’ the darkness, thro’ the light.

Jesus saves, can I repine?
Jesus saves when I rejoice;
Jesus saves when hope decline-
Faith can always hear His voice.

Jesus saves when sorrows ,
Jesus saves when death appears;
Jesus saves and leads me ,
Now He saves from doubts and fears.

Jesus saves me, He is mine;
Jesus saves me, I am His;
Jesus saves as I recline
On His precious promises.

Jesus saves, He saves from sin,
Jesus saves, I feel Him nigh;
Jesus saves, He dwells within,
Gladly do I testify.

Jesus saves, O mighty power!
Jesus saves, O bliss sublime!
Jesus saves me hour by hour,
Jesus saves me all the time.


Meaning of Jesus Saves Me Every Day

Jesus Saves Me Every Day: Finding Strength and Joy in His Unfailing Love

The hymn “Jesus Saves Me Every Day” beautifully captures the unwavering faith and confidence one can have in the saving grace of Jesus. As the verses proclaim, Jesus saves us not only in the moments of triumph and happiness but also through the darkest of times. His saving power is constant, never wavering, and always available to those who believe in Him.

In our daily lives, we face various challenges that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. It is during these moments that we can turn to Jesus, finding solace and assurance in His abiding presence. The hymn reminds us that no matter what we may face, Jesus saves us all the way. He is there, guiding us through both the darkness and the light.

Often, we may question if we are deserving of Jesus’ saving grace. Can we truly rely on Him in both moments of joy and sorrow? The hymn reassures us that we should never doubt His saving power. Jesus saves us when we rejoice, reminding us to be grateful for the in our lives. He saves us when hope declines, giving us the strength to keep going even when circumstances seem bleak. In times of doubt, faith can always hear His voice, offering us comfort and guidance.

Sorrows and the prospect of death can be frightening and overwhelming, but the hymn reminds us that Jesus saves us even in these moments. His love is not limited by our circumstances or fears. He leads us home, us to a of eternal peace and joy. In our doubts and fears, Jesus is there, ready to save and provide the assurance we need to face whatever challenges come our way.

As the hymn continues, it emphasizes the personal relationship we can have with Jesus. It declares that Jesus saves me, He is mine, and I am His. This intimate connection allows us to find rest and peace in Him. As we recline on His precious promises, we can find refuge in His unfailing love.

Jesus saves us from sin, a that weighs heavy on our hearts and souls. His saving power offers redemption and forgiveness, allowing us to move forward and live a of purpose. His presence is felt, dwelling within us, guiding our every step.

The hymn concludes with a resounding declaration of Jesus’ saving power. It proclaims His mighty power and sublime bliss. Hour by hour, Jesus saves us, reminding us that His love is not limited by time or circumstance. He is with us continuously, offering His saving grace whenever we seek it.

In summary, “Jesus Saves Me Every Day” is a hymn that encapsulates the unwavering faith and trust one can have in Jesus’ saving power. It reminds us that Jesus is there, saving us through both the highs and lows of life. His love knows no bounds, and it is always available to those who believe. In times of joy and sorrow, Jesus saves us, continually guiding us toward a life of hope, peace, and eternal joy. So, let us take comfort in the words of this hymn and find strength in Jesus’ unfailing love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover how Jesus saves us every day, providing strength, joy, and unwavering love. Find comfort in His presence and trust in His saving power.


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