Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be through this powerful hymn of victory and sacrifice. Sing the story and proclaim His name for all to hear and be inspired. Share in His love and triumph.

Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be – Hymn Lyric

“Everlasting Glory Unto Be” is a hymn that celebrates Jesus’s sacrifice and triumph, encouraging us to share His victory with others. Through its beautiful verses, this hymn teaches us about Jesus’s love and the power of His resurrection. Let us join together in and spreading His everlasting glory.


Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be – Hymn Lyric

Everlasting glory
Unto Jesus be!
Sing aloud the story
Of His victory!

How He left the splendor
Of His home on high,
Came in love so tender,
On the cross to die.

Everlasting glory
Unto Jesus be!
Sing aloud the story
Of His victory!

Yes! He came from heaven,
Suffered in our stead;
Praise to Him be given,
“Firstborn from the dead!”

Jesus, meek and lowly,
Came the lost to save;
He, the Victim holy,
Triumphed o’er the grave.

Everlasting glory
Unto Jesus be!
Sing aloud the story
Of His victory!

Christ is of glory,
Sing we now today;
Tell abroad the story;
Own His rightful sway!

Sing aloud; and never
Cease to spread His fame;
Triumph, now and ever,
In the Savior’s Name.

Everlasting glory
Unto Jesus be!
Sing aloud the story
Of His victory!


Meaning of Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be

Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be: Singing the Story of His Victory

The hymn “Everlasting Glory” reminds us of the incredible sacrifice and triumph of Jesus Christ. It encourages us to proclaim His victory and share His love with others. Through its beautiful verses, this hymn teaches us about Jesus’ selfless act of leaving His heavenly home and dying on the cross for our salvation.

The first verse begins by speaking of the everlasting glory that belongs to Jesus. It reminds us that He is worthy of our praise and adoration. As we sing about His victory, we are invited to reflect on the magnitude of His sacrifice. Leaving the splendor of His home on high, Jesus came to earth in the form of a man out of His deep and tender love for humanity.

The refrain echoes this message of everlasting glory and asks us to join in singing the story of Jesus’ victory. It is through song that we can express our gratitude and awe for His great sacrifice. By proclaiming His triumph, we honor and magnify His name.

The second verse delves deeper into the reason for Jesus’ descent from heaven. It states that He came to in our place, bearing the weight of our sins. This act of selflessness is deserving of praise and thanksgiving. Jesus, being the firstborn from the dead, conquered death on our behalf. Through His resurrection, He opened the to life, showing us that death has no power over those who believe in Him.

Jesus is described as meek and lowly, a Savior who came to seek and save the lost. In His humility, He took upon Himself our sins and carried the burden of our guilt. This hymn reminds us that Jesus, though innocent, willingly became the Holy Victim who triumphed over the grave. His victory over sin and death is a cause for great rejoicing.

The third verse emphasizes Jesus’ lordship and glory. It encourages us to sing and tell the story of His triumph. By doing so, we acknowledge His rightful sway in our lives. Jesus, being the Lord of glory, is worthy of our devotion and worship. Through our declaration of His victory, we honor and glory to His name.

The final stanza urges us to never cease spreading His fame. It is our responsibility as followers of Christ to share the good news of salvation with others. By triumphing in the Savior’s name, we are fulfilling His command to go and make disciples of all nations. This hymn encourages us to continue spreading the story of Jesus’ victory so that more people may to know Him and experience the everlasting glory that is found in Him alone.

In conclusion, “Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be” is a beautiful hymn that calls us to sing aloud the story of Jesus’ victory. It reminds us of His selfless act of leaving His heavenly home and dying on the cross for our salvation. Through His resurrection, He conquered sin and death, becoming the firstborn from the dead. Jesus’ lordship and glory deserve our praise and adoration. As we proclaim His victory, we are called to spread His fame and bring others into His everlasting glory. Let us join together in singing this hymn and declaring the triumph of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be through this powerful hymn of victory and sacrifice. Sing the story and proclaim His name for all to hear and be inspired. Share in His love and triumph.


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