Take My Moments Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"Take My Moments

Take My Moments Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Take My Moments, Blessed Jesus: Filling Each Day with Purpose and ” is a hymn that implores Jesus to take our moments and infuse them with purpose and love. It encourages us to consecrate our time to the , allowing Him to transform our ordinary moments into something extraordinary. By dedicating our moments to God’s service, our lives become aligned with His will, and we leave a lasting legacy that reflects His glory.


Take My Moments Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Take my moments, blessed Jesus;
Keep them for me ev’ry day,
Till they grow with and beauty;
Fill them with Thy praise alway.

Take my moments, keep them ever,
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Use them, make each one a
Garnered for eternity.

Keep them for Thy use, dear Saviour,
As they pass so swiftly by;
Let them shine thro’ years of service
With a glory from on high.


Just the moments, but they may be
Touched with God’s electric love,
Till they bear some flaming message
From the mercy-seat above.


Meaning of Take My Moments Blessed Jesus

Take My Moments, Blessed Jesus: Filling Each Day with Purpose and Love


In this hymn, “Take My Moments, Blessed Jesus,” we find a heartfelt prayer to the Lord, asking Him to take our moments and fill them with purpose and love. Each day is a precious gift, and we for our moments to be used for God’s glory and to make a positive impact on the world. This hymn reminds us to consecrate our time to the Lord, allowing Him to transform our ordinary moments into something extraordinary. Let us explore the power behind this hymn and how it encourages us to live with intention and devotion each day.

Verse 1: Embracing Life’s Moments

The opening verse of the hymn invites us to surrender our moments to Jesus, acknowledging that He is the source of all life and beauty. As we go about our daily routines and encounter various moments, we are reminded that they are not to be taken for granted. Instead, we are called to offer them to , asking Him to use them according to His divine purpose. Whether it is a simple task or a significant event, Jesus seeks to infuse every moment with His presence and transforming power.

Refrain: Consecrating Every Moment

The refrain urges us to consecrate our moments, dedicating each one to the Lord. This act of consecration involves setting apart our time from worldly distractions and committing it wholly to God’s service. By doing so, we make our moments holy and ready for God’s use. Just as the ancient Israelites set apart certain objects for divine purposes, we too can set apart our moments as offerings to God. In return, we experience the and fulfillment of knowing that our lives are aligned with His will.

Verse 2: Shining Brightly Through Service

The second verse reminds us of the fleeting nature of time and encourages us to make the most of each passing moment. Time is like a precious gem, slipping through our fingers, never to be regained. Therefore, we are urged to let our moments shine brightly through a life of dedicated service. By serving others and sharing the love of Christ, our moments gain a heavenly glow that impacts not only ourselves but also those around us. Through acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity, we can leave a lasting legacy that reflects God’s glory.

Refrain: Gathering Eternal Blessings

The refrain returns with a renewed call to consecration, emphasizing the eternal significance of our moments. When we consecrate our time to the Lord, He takes each moment and transforms it into a blessing that extends far beyond this present life. Our moments, once ordinary and fleeting, become treasures stored in the heavenly realm. Just as a farmer stores grain for future use, we gather eternal blessings when we dedicate our moments to God’s service. These blessings are not dependent on length or grandeur; rather, they are a reflection of our faithfulness and willingness to surrender to God’s plans.

Verse 3: Flaming Messages from Above

The final verse of the hymn describes the potential impact of our moments when touched by God’s electric love. As we draw near to Him in prayer and seek His guidance, our ordinary moments can become extraordinary, carrying a flaming message from the mercy seat above. Just as the burning bush caught ‘ attention, our moments, infused with God’s love, can captivate the hearts of those around us. Through our actions, words, and attitudes, we have the power to ignite a passion for Christ in others. Our moments, small as they may seem, can become the catalyst for transformation and revival, spreading God’s love and truth to all who encounter them.


“Take My Moments, Blessed Jesus” is more than a hymn; it is a heartfelt prayer asking the Lord to guide and transform our lives. By surrendering our moments to Christ, we ensure that each day is filled with purpose, love, and eternal significance. Through consecration, service, and devotion to God’s will, our ordinary moments become extraordinary vessels of His . Let us take this hymn to heart, dedicating our moments to God, and witnessing the power of transformed lives and a world that is touched by His divine love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Take My Moments, Blessed Jesus: Surrendering Each Day for God's Purpose - Experience the Power of Transformed Lives and a World Touched by Divine Love.


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