Jesus Is Our Loving Shepherd – Hymn Lyric

Discover the love and guidance of Jesus

Jesus Is Our Loving Shepherd – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Our Loving Shepherd: A Faithful Guide for the This hymn reminds us of the incredible and guidance Jesus provides us, just like a shepherd cares for his flock. He promises to return to Earth for his church, giving us hope and reassurance. As we wait and watch, let us stay faithful and vigilant, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, our guiding light.


Jesus Is Our Loving Shepherd – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is our loving shepherd,
And He is a faithful guide;
He is coming back from
For the church of , His bride.

He has promised all the faithful
That He’ll come to earth again;
And to will receive them,
with Him to reign.

We are watching now, and waiting,
For the coming of our Lord;
He is coming for His loved ones,
As He promised in His Word.


Yes, He’s coming back from glory,
Coming to this world again;
He will gather up His jewels,
Safely kept in His own name.


Meaning of Jesus Is Our Loving Shepherd

Jesus Is Our Loving Shepherd: A Faithful Guide for the Church

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and guidance that Jesus, our shepherd, provides for us. Like a shepherd who cares for and leads his flock, Jesus is always there to guide and protect us, his faithful followers. But this hymn goes even further, proclaiming the promise that Jesus will return from Heaven for his church, his beloved bride.

The idea of Jesus as our shepherd is not a new concept. In fact, it can be traced back to ancient times when shepherds would lead and protect their . Just as a shepherd would search for a lost sheep until it is safely back with the flock, Jesus seeks out and cares for each one of us, never giving up on us. He knows us intimately, and we can trust in his everlasting love and faithfulness.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes Jesus’ promise to return to Earth again. This promise gives us hope and reassurance that Jesus is not gone forever. He will come back to fulfill his ultimate plan for his faithful followers. And when he comes, he will receive us into his glory, where we will reign with him forevermore.

As we wait and watch for his coming, we are reminded to stay faithful and vigilant. Just as a shepherd’s flock keeps a watchful eye on their shepherd, we should keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, our guiding light. By reading and studying his Word, we can prepare ourselves for his return, eagerly anticipating the day when we will be united with him once more.

The second verse reminds us that Jesus is not a distant savior, but one who is actively involved in our lives. He is not only coming back for the church in general, but for his loved ones individually. Each one of us holds a special place in Jesus’ heart, and he desires to bring us to himself, just as he promised. This promise is not empty words; it is a declaration of his genuine love and commitment to his people.

The third verse speaks of Jesus coming back from glory. This highlights his divine nature as the of , who left the splendor of Heaven to come to this broken world. Despite the challenges and trials we face, Jesus remains faithful and will gather up his jewels. We can find comfort in knowing that no matter what we may go through, Jesus will never abandon us. He keeps us safe in his own name, protecting us from harm and preserving us for his kingdom.

As we reflect on this hymn, it is important to remember that Jesus is not only our loving shepherd but also our faithful guide. He leads us on the right and provides direction and wisdom for our lives. In his Word, we can find answers to our questions and solutions to our problems. Jesus guides us through the ups and downs of life, always reassuring us of his presence and love.

In conclusion, Jesus Is Our Loving Shepherd reminds us of the unwavering love and guidance that Jesus provides for his church. He is not a distant figure but a personal savior who knows us by name and promises to return for us. As we await his coming, let us remain faithful and vigilant, keeping our eyes fixed on him. Jesus is not just a shepherd, but also a faithful guide who leads us on the right path. Let us trust in his love, follow his guidance, and eagerly anticipate the day when we will be reunited with him in his glory.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the love and guidance of Jesus, our faithful shepherd. Learn about his promise to return for his church and reign with us in glory. Trust in his guidance and eagerly await his coming. Jesus Is Our Loving Shepherd.


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