With My Faint Weary Soul – Hymn Lyric

Find solace and hope in the hymn "With My Faint Weary Soul." Discover the promise of renewal and restoration offered by our dear Savior. Let your weary soul find rest in His embrace.

With My Faint Weary Soul – Hymn Lyric

With My Faint Soul: A of Hope and Renewal. In this beautiful hymn, the speaker expresses their longing to be made whole and find in their dear Savior. Despite their faint and weary soul, they find solace and strength in coming to Jesus just as they are, knowing that He can wash their heart white as snow.


With My Faint Weary Soul – Hymn Lyric

With my faint, weary soul to be made fully whole,
And thy perfect salvation to see,
With my heart all aglow to be washed white as snow,
I am coming, dear Saviour, to thee.

I’m coming (*to thee), I’m coming, dear Saviour, to thee,
With my heart all aglow to be washed white as snow,
I’m coming, dear Saviour, to thee.

I thy promise believe, that in thee I live,
Through thy blood shed so freely for me;
To obtain a pure heart and secure the good part,
I am coming, dear Saviour, to thee.

All to thee now I give, thine to die, thine to live,
Crucified to the world e’er to be;
To be dead unto sin, with a new life within,
I am coming, dear Saviour, to thee.

To be thine, wholly thine, precious Saviour divine,
With my all consecrated to thee,
To be kept every hour by thy ‘s wondrous power,
I am coming, dear Saviour, to thee.


Meaning of With My Faint Weary Soul

With my faint, weary soul, I find solace and hope in the words of this hymn. It speaks to the deep longing within me to be made whole and to experience the perfect salvation offered by my dear Savior.

In a world that often feels overwhelming and exhausting, it is comforting to know that I can come to my Savior, just as I am. My soul may be faint and my strength may waver, but the promise of restoration and renewal buoys my spirit. This hymn reminds me that I can bring all of my weariness and burdens to Jesus, and He will embrace me with His love and grace.

The refrain of the hymn repeats the words “I’m coming, I’m coming, dear Savior, to thee,” and this repetition emphasizes the earnest within my heart. I long to have my heart cleansed and purified, to be washed white as snow. It is a beautiful image, one that speaks to the transformative power of Jesus’ on the cross.

As a 7th grader, I may not fully understand the theological depth of these lyrics, but I can grasp the idea that my Savior shed His blood for me, so that I can have a pure heart and secure the good part. It inspires me to believe in His promises and to trust that through Him, I can have abundant life.

I am invited to give my all to Jesus, to die to myself and live for Him. It may sound strange to talk about , especially at such a young age, but this hymn teaches me that it means letting go of my old ways and embracing a new life with Christ. It means turning from sin and choosing to follow Him wholeheartedly.

When I fully surrender myself to Jesus, I become His, wholly His. He becomes the anchor of my life, guiding me through each day. This idea of consecration is something I can understand even at my age. It means dedicating all that I am to the service of my Savior, recognizing that He loves me unconditionally and desires to shape me into the person He wants me to be.

It is not always easy to stay on this path of consecration. There are temptations and distractions that pull me away. That is why I cling to the assurance that Jesus will keep me every hour. His love has a wondrous power that can sustain and protect me. It is a comforting thought, knowing that I am not alone in this journey.

In this hymn, the message is clear: my tired soul finds rest and rejuvenation in the embrace of my Savior. His love and salvation are available to all who seek Him, regardless of age or circumstances. As a 7th grader, I may have limited and understanding, but I can grasp the truth that Jesus is my source of hope and healing. He is the one who can make me whole, and I am eager to come to Him with my faint, weary soul.

In conclusion, this hymn speaks to the universal longing for connection and renewal. It reminds us that we can come to our Savior just as we are, with all of our weariness and burdens. Jesus invites us to surrender our lives to Him, to be washed white as snow and to experience His love and grace. As a 7th grader, I may not have all the answers, but I know that Jesus offers hope and healing to those who seek Him. With my faint, weary soul, I am coming to my dear Savior, and I trust that He will meet me with open arms.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and hope in the hymn With My Faint Weary Soul. Discover the promise of renewal and restoration offered by our dear Savior. Let your weary soul find rest in His embrace.


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