O Jesus I Need Thee – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound need for Jesus in "O Jesus

O Jesus I Need Thee – Hymn Lyric

“O Jesus, I Need ” is a hymn that expresses the deep for Jesus’ presence and guidance. Through its heartfelt words, it resonates with those who have experienced struggles and challenges in life. This hymn reminds us of our constant need for Jesus as our , offering strength and support in times of temptation and hardship.


O Jesus I Need Thee – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, I need Thee;
no power but Thine
From can deliver
a nature like mine;

O gracious Redeemer,
my be Thou,
If ever, O Jesus,
if ever, just now!

O Jesus, I need Thee;
temptation’s dark hour
Is closing around me,
I feel its dread power;

O gracious Redeemer,
my Saviour be Thou,
If ever, O Jesus,
if ever, just now!

O Jesus, I need Thee;
for hard is the road,
And long is the journey,
and heavy the load;

O gracious Redeemer,
my Saviour be Thou,
If ever, O Jesus,
if ever, just now!

O Jesus, I need Thee;
O hear Thou my cry!
I need Thee to live,
and I need Thee to die;

O gracious Redeemer,
my Saviour be Thou,
If ever, O Jesus,
if ever, just now!


Meaning of O Jesus I Need Thee

O Jesus, I Need Thee: Finding Strength in Times of Temptation and Hardship

In the hymn “O Jesus, I Need Thee,” the singer expresses their deep longing for Jesus’ presence and guidance. The heartfelt words of this hymn resonate with many individuals who have experienced the struggles and challenges of life. In this article, we will explore the themes of deliverance from sin, finding strength in times of temptation, the journey of life, and the ultimate need for Jesus as our Savior.

The first verse of the hymn acknowledges that no power but Jesus’ can deliver us from the bondage of sin. It recognizes that our human nature is flawed and prone to sin, and only through the grace and redemption of Jesus can we find salvation. This acknowledgment is essential, as it humbles us and allows us to understand the need for Jesus in our lives. By recognizing our vulnerabilities and imperfections, we open ourselves up to receive Jesus’ saving grace.

As the hymn progresses, it reflects on the challenges faced during times of temptation. The singer acknowledges the imminent threat of temptation’s power and expresses the need for Jesus as a protector and guide. This verse highlights the reality of living in a where temptation surrounds us. It reminds us that we cannot face these challenges alone but instead must lean on Jesus for strength and guidance. Whether it is resisting the temptation to engage in harmful behaviors or staying true to our values and beliefs, we need Jesus to help us navigate the darkness of temptation.

Furthermore, the hymn speaks to the difficulties of life’s journey. It acknowledges the hardships, long roads, and heavy burdens that we may encounter along the way. This verse resonates with our own experiences as we navigate the challenges and trials of life. It reminds us that we cannot face these obstacles alone but need Jesus to be our constant source of strength and support. By leaning on Him, we can find the courage to persevere, even when the road is tough and the load feels overwhelming.

The final verse of the hymn captures the ultimate need for Jesus, both in life and in death. It emphasizes that we need Jesus not only to live but also to die. This verse speaks to the deep longing within our hearts for the salvation He offers. It reminds us that our need for Jesus extends beyond our earthly lives, and that only through Him can we find true peace and everlasting life.

Overall, “O Jesus, I Need Thee” invites us to reflect on the constant need we have for Jesus in every aspect of our lives. It reminds us that we are not meant to face the challenges of sin, temptation, and life’s journey alone. Instead, we have a loving Savior who is ready and to come alongside us, offering His grace, redemption, and guidance.

In conclusion, “O Jesus, I Need Thee” stands as a powerful reminder of our dependence on Jesus. It expresses the deep longing within our hearts for His presence and highlights the transformative power of His grace. Whether we are struggling with temptation, facing the weight of life’s burdens, or seeking ultimate salvation, Jesus is there to offer His and support. Let this hymn serve as a gentle reminder of the constant need we have for Jesus in our lives and may it inspire us to seek Him daily.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound need for Jesus in O Jesus, I Need Thee. This hymn explores deliverance from sin, gaining strength in tough times, and our ultimate reliance on Jesus. Find comfort and guidance in His presence.


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