Jesus All Thy Labor Vast – Hymn Lyric

Experience the strength of Jesus All Thy Labor Vast in times of trial. Find inspiration and guidance in His immense sacrifice and unwavering love.

Jesus All Thy Labor Vast – Hymn Lyric

, All Your Labor Vast: Finding Strength in Times of Trial In the , into Thy hands I commit My spirit,” we are reminded of the immense labor and suffering that Jesus endured for us. It speaks of His ultimate surrender to God at the moment of His death, as He committed His spirit into the hands of His Father. This verse calls upon Him, addressing Him as Holy Jesus, and asks for His presence and protection in times of .


Jesus All Thy Labor Vast – Hymn Lyric

Father, into Thy hands I commit
My spirit Jesus, all Thy labor vast,
All Thy woe and conflict past,
Yielding up Thy at last:
Hear us, Holy Jesus.

When the death shades round us lower,
Guard us from the Tempter’s power,
Keep us in that trial hour:
Hear us, Holy Jesus.

May Thy life and death supply
to live and grace to die,
Grace to reach the home on high:
Hear us, Holy Jesus.



Meaning of Jesus All Thy Labor Vast

Jesus, All Your Labor Vast: Finding Strength in Times of Trial

In the hymn “Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit,” we are reminded of the immense labor and suffering that Jesus endured for us. It speaks of His ultimate surrender to God at the moment of His death, as He committed His spirit into the hands of His Father. This verse calls upon Him, addressing Him as Holy Jesus, and asks for His presence and protection in times of darkness.

When life’s challenges and difficulties surround us, it can feel like the shades of death are lowering upon us. We may encounter temptations that seek to pull us away from our faith, doubts that try to shake our beliefs, and fears that attempt to paralyze us. Just as Jesus faced these trials, we too can find solace and support in Him.

Holy Jesus, we implore You to hear our prayers and guard us from the power of the Tempter. Give us the strength to resist the allure of what is wrong and guide us towards what is righteous. We rely on Your grace and ask for Your intervention during our most trying hours. Help us to overcome any challenges that may come our way.

Reflecting upon the life and death of Jesus can provide us with great inspiration and insight into how to navigate our own journeys. As we contemplate His life, we see the boundless love and compassion that He displayed towards others. He healed the sick, comforted the sorrowful, and reached out to the marginalized. In His actions, He showed us the true meaning of selflessness and taught us how to live a life dedicated to serving others.

Furthermore, in His death, Jesus exemplified the ultimate sacrifice. As He yielded up His soul on the , He embraced the depth of suffering and agony for the sake of humanity’s redemption. Through His death, we find and forgiveness. We are reminded that no matter the pain we may experience in life, there is always the possibility for renewal and salvation.

This hymn teaches us to seek grace from Jesus, both in life and in death. It implores Him to supply us with the strength to live in accordance with His teachings and to face death with the assurance of life. We are reminded that Jesus is not only our Savior, but also our companion and guide, leading us towards the heavenly home that awaits us.

When we face trials and tribulations, we can turn to Jesus for solace and support. He understands our pain and struggles, for He himself experienced them during His time on Earth. He is not distant or uninvolved; rather, He stands beside us, ready to offer comfort and guidance.

As seventh graders, it is important for us to remember that life can be filled with challenges and uncertainties. We may encounter struggles in school, with friends, or within our families. During these times, it is crucial for us to find strength and inspiration from our faith. We can look to Jesus, the embodiment of love and perseverance, for the guidance we need to navigate through the various trials we face.

In conclusion, the hymn “Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit” reminds us of the immense labor and suffering that Jesus endured for our sake. It calls upon Him, addressing Him as Holy Jesus, and asks for His presence and protection during our darkest moments. Through His life and death, Jesus teaches us about love, sacrifice, and the importance of relying on His grace. Let us hold onto these lessons and seek His guidance as we face the challenges of life, knowing that He is always there to hear us and to offer us strength.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the strength of Jesus All Thy Labor Vast in times of trial. Find inspiration and guidance in His immense sacrifice and unwavering love.


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