Sing Of Jesus Sing Forever – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unchanging love of Jesus in "Sing Of Jesus Sing Forever." Experience the power of His sacrifice and find true joy in His presence. Sing of His love and invite others to join in worship.

Sing Of Jesus Sing Forever – Hymn Lyric

Sing of , sing forever! These words hold such great meaning and power. They remind us of the unchanging love that Jesus has for us. No matter what happens or who tries to separate us from Him, His love remains constant. We are His, and nothing can break that bond. of Jesus is more than just a song; it is a declaration of . It is an acknowledgement that Jesus is the center of our lives. It is a reminder that He is of all our praise and adoration.


Sing Of Jesus Sing Forever – Hymn Lyric

Sing of Jesus, sing forever,
Of the love that changes never;
Who or what from Him can sever
Those He makes His own?

With His precious He bought us;
When we knew Him not, He sought us,
And from all our wand’rings bro’t us;
His the praise alone.

Thro’ the desert drear He leads us,
With the bread of heav’n He feeds us,
And thro’ all the journey speeds us
To His glorious throne.


Meaning of Sing Of Jesus Sing Forever

Sing of Jesus, sing forever! These words hold such great meaning and power. They remind us of the unchanging love that Jesus has for us. No matter what happens or who tries to separate us from Him, His love remains constant. We are His, and nothing can break that bond.

The hymn goes on to describe how Jesus bought us with His precious blood. It’s a vivid reminder of the sacrifice He made for us on the cross. Even when we didn’t know Him, He sought us out and brought us back to Him. His love is relentless and pursues us even in our wanderings.

We can’t help but give Him all the praise and . He alone deserves it. He has rescued us from our and brought us into His kingdom. We were lost, but now we are found. We were broken, but now we are made whole. Our lives have been transformed by His love.

As we journey through this life, Jesus leads us. He guides us through the deserts – the difficult and challenging times that we face. Just as He provided manna to the Israelites in the wilderness, He provides for us. He gives us the bread of heaven, nourishing our souls and sustaining us on our journey.

And not only does He lead us, but He also speeds us along towards His glorious throne. He doesn’t leave us stumbling and struggling. He empowers and enables us to overcome the obstacles in our path. His love propels us forward, giving us strength and courage to keep going.

It is truly awe-inspiring to about the love of Jesus. It is a love that never changes, never wavers. It is a love that is constant and . It is a love that is unconditional and unending.

We may not fully comprehend the depths of His love, but we can certainly strive to live in a way that reflects it. When we sing of Jesus and His love, we are reminded of the incredible gift we have been given. We are reminded of the power of His sacrifice and the it brings.

When we sing of Jesus, we are reminded that we are not alone. He is with us every step of the way. He is our comfort in times of sorrow, our strength in times of weakness, and our joy in times of celebration.

Singing of Jesus is more than just a song; it is a declaration of faith. It is an acknowledgement that Jesus is the center of our lives. It is a reminder that He is worthy of all our praise and adoration.

So let us sing of Jesus, sing forever. Let our voices rise in unity and worship. Let us proclaim His love to the world and invite others to experience the life-changing power of His grace.

As we do, our lives will be transformed. We will be filled with a renewed sense of purpose and joy. We will be reminded of the love that never changes and the hope that never fades.

So let our song be heard, let our voices be lifted high. Let us sing of Jesus, sing forever. For in Him we find true love, true peace, and true joy. And that is something worth singing about.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unchanging love of Jesus in Sing Of Jesus Sing Forever. Experience the power of His sacrifice and find true joy in His presence. Sing of His love and invite others to join in worship.


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