Jesus Keep Me Near Thee Never Let Me Stray – Hymn Lyric

Discover the strength and guidance we find in staying close to Jesus. "Jesus Keep Me Near Thee" reminds us to never stray from His loving presence.

Jesus Keep Me Near Thee Never Let Me Stray – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Keep Me Near Thee: Finding Strength and Guidance in Faithful Devotion” reminds us of the importance of staying close to Jesus and following His path. Through prayer, , and unwavering devotion, we can resist temptations and stay on the right path. Jesus’ constant presence and love guide us through ‘s challenges and prepare us for eternal joy in heaven.


Jesus Keep Me Near Thee Never Let Me Stray – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, keep me near Thee,
Never let me stray,
Keep me, precious Savior,
Faithful every day.

Oh, be Thou my leader,
All through life’s long way,
And take me home to Heav’n at last.

Jesus, keep me near Thee,
Lead me in the narrow way,
Jesus, keep me near Thee,
Never from Thy fold to stray.

Jesus, keep me near Thee,
When temptations ,
May I never wander
Back in to roam.

But be faithful ever,
When abroad or home,
And safe arrive in Heav’n at last.


Jesus, keep me near Thee,
When the clouds arise,
And when storms of trial
Darken earthly skies.

May Thy
Gladden then mine eyes,
And guide me safe to Heav’n at last.


Jesus, keep me near Thee,
In life’s every care,
May Thy blessed presence
Cheer me everywhere.

And may blessed comfort
Come through faith and prayer,
To fit my soul for Heav’n at last.


Jesus, keep me near Thee,
Ever constant friend,
All through life’s long journey,
Till I see its end.

Cheer me then in death,
And shining angels send,
To take me home to Heav’n at last.


Meaning of Jesus Keep Me Near Thee Never Let Me Stray

Jesus Keep Me Near Thee: Finding Strength and Guidance in Faithful Devotion

In our journey through life, we often face numerous challenges and temptations that can steer us away from the path of righteousness. It is during these times that we need the constant presence and guidance of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The hymn “Jesus, Keep Me Near Thee” beautifully expresses the heartfelt plea for Jesus to keep us close, to lead us on the blessed narrow way, and to ensure that we never stray from His loving fold.

Verse 1 reminds us that we need Jesus as our leader throughout life’s long journey. Just like a shepherd guides and protects his flock, Jesus tenderly watches over us, ensuring that we do not lose our way. As we navigate through the ups and downs of life, we can find solace and assurance in knowing that Jesus is always with us, ready to guide us back to safety if we ever wander astray.

The refrain reinforces this message by emphasizing the importance of staying near to Jesus. It encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith and never drift away from His loving arms. By keeping Jesus close, we are connected to His divine wisdom, love, and protection. It is through this connection that we find the strength to resist temptations and the courage to stay on the right path.

Verse 2 acknowledges that temptations will inevitably come our way. In those moments, we must lean on Jesus, seeking His strength to overcome the allure of sin. The verse encourages us to never wander back into the darkness of our past but instead to remain faithful always. Whether we are at home or away, Jesus is there to lead us back to the and to guide us safely to our heavenly home.

Life can sometimes be filled with hardships and trials, as Verse 3 acknowledges. It acknowledges that storms of trial may darken our earthly skies, but we can find solace in the fact that Jesus’ heavenly sunshine can still bring joy to our lives. When the clouds arise and threaten to dampen our spirits, Jesus is there to provide warmth, hope, and comfort. With His guidance, we can navigate through life’s storms and trust that He will safely guide us to our ultimate destination – heaven.

In Verse 4, the hymn highlights the importance of Jesus’ presence in our everyday cares. Life can be challenging, and we often find ourselves in need of comfort and reassurance. The verse encourages us to seek Jesus’ blessed presence in every aspect of our lives. Through faith and prayer, we can find the strength to endure hardships and the comfort to carry us through difficult times. It is through our unwavering devotion to Him that we prepare our for the eternal joy of heaven.

The final verse of the hymn explores the ultimate purpose of our relationship with Jesus. He is not only our constant friend throughout life but also our faithful companion until the very end. When the time comes for us to leave this earthly realm, Jesus promises to be there, cheering us on, and sending His angels to take us home to heaven. This verse reminds us that our journey is not limited to our time on earth but extends to an everlasting life with Him.

In summary, the hymn “Jesus, Keep Me Near Thee” is a heartfelt plea for Jesus to keep us close, to lead us on the right path, and to ensure that we never stray from His loving presence. It reminds us of the importance of staying connected to Jesus through prayer, faith, and unwavering devotion. His constant guidance, comfort, and love help us navigate the challenges of life, shine light in times of darkness, and prepare our souls for an eternal home in heaven. Let us embrace this hymn as a reminder of the strength and guidance we can find in loyal and faithful devotion to Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the strength and guidance we find in staying close to Jesus. Jesus Keep Me Near Thee reminds us to never stray from His loving presence.


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