Trusting Alone In Jesus Leaning Upon His Breast – Hymn Lyric

Experience Peace and Rest by Trusting Alone in Jesus | Find Comfort and Stability in His Embrace | Trusting in Jesus: A Path to Joy and Peace

Trusting Alone In Jesus Leaning Upon His Breast – Hymn Lyric

“Trusting Alone In : Finding and Rest” In a filled with uncertainty and chaos, it is a comforting feeling to be able to trust in someone or something. As we journey through life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that may leave us feeling overwhelmed and helpless. However, the hymn, “Trusting Alone In Jesus, Leaning Upon His Breast,” reminds us of the power of trust and the peace that comes from resting in the love of our Savior.


Trusting Alone In Jesus Leaning Upon His Breast – Hymn Lyric

Trusting alone in Jesus,
Leaning upon His breast,
There, in His love abiding,
Peacefully now I rest.

Trusting in , trusting in Thee,
I’m trusting, Savior, in Thee;
Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee,
Sweetly I’m trusting, Savior, in Thee.

Led by His Holy ,
Oh, what a joy is mine!
Out of a land of shadows,
Into the .

Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee,
Sweetly I’m trusting, Savior, in Thee;
Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee,
Sweetly I’m trusting, Savior, in Thee.

Trusting thro’ storm and sunshine,
Trusting thro’ joy and pain,
Leaning upon His promise,
Breathing His holy name.

Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee,
Sweetly I’m trusting, Savior, in Thee;
Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee,
Sweetly I’m trusting, Savior, in Thee.

Simple to trust in Jesus,
Following day by day,
Up to the gates of glory,
Trusting Him all the way.

Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee,
Sweetly I’m trusting, Savior, in Thee;
Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee,
Sweetly I’m trusting, Savior, in Thee.


Meaning of Trusting Alone In Jesus Leaning Upon His Breast

Trusting Alone In Jesus: Finding Peace and Rest

In a world filled with uncertainty and chaos, it is a comforting feeling to be able to trust in someone or something. As we journey through life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that may leave us feeling overwhelmed and helpless. However, the hymn, “Trusting Alone In Jesus, Leaning Upon His Breast,” reminds us of the power of trust and the peace that comes from resting in the love of our Savior.

The hymn opens with the beautiful imagery of leaning upon Jesus’ breast. This image portrays a sense of intimacy and closeness, as if we are finding solace in the arms of a loved one. Trusting in Jesus means relying solely on Him, seeking comfort and strength in His presence. It is a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles, for Jesus is always there, ready to offer us His unwavering support.

The chorus echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the sweetness and joy that from trusting in Jesus. It is an affirmation of faith, a declaration that we are placing our complete reliance on Him. In a world where trust can be hard to come by, especially in our relationships with others, trusting in Jesus promises a peace that surpasses all understanding.

The hymn goes on to describe the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Led by His Holy Spirit, we are guided out of the shadows of doubt and fear and into the light divine. The Holy Spirit serves as our compass, illuminating the ahead and instilling in us a sense of purpose and direction. Through His Spirit, we find joy and clarity in our journey, knowing that we are never alone.

Trusting in Jesus does not mean that we will be exempt from life’s storms and challenges. On the contrary, the hymn acknowledges that we will face both storms and sunshine, joy and pain. However, in the midst of these trials and tribulations, we can find solace in the promises of Jesus. Leaning upon His promise and breathing His holy name offers us a source of strength and resilience. It reminds us that we are not defined by our circumstances but rather by our unwavering trust in the One who holds us in His hands.

Trusting in Jesus is simple but not always easy. It requires us to surrender our own plans and desires, and to follow Him wholeheartedly. The hymn encourages us to trust day by day, to take one step at a time in faith and obedience. It is a journey that may not always be smooth, but as we continue to trust in Jesus, we are led closer to the gates of glory.

As we reflect on the hymn, “Trusting Alone In Jesus, Leaning Upon His Breast,” we are reminded of the power and significance of trust in our lives. Trusting in Jesus offers us a refuge from the chaos and uncertainties of the world. It allows us to find peace and rest in His loving embrace. So let us embrace the simplicity of trust, following Jesus day by day, and discover the joy and peace that comes from trusting alone in Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience Peace and Rest by Trusting Alone in Jesus | Find Comfort and Stability in His Embrace | Trusting in Jesus: A Path to Joy and Peace


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