The Shepherd Of Love Is Seeking The Lost – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unending love and compassion of Jesus Christ in the hymn "The Shepherd of Love Is Seeking The Lost." Embrace His call to come back to Him and experience His salvation.

The Shepherd Of Love Is Seeking The Lost – Hymn Lyric

In this beautiful hymn titled “The Shepherd of Love Is Seeking the Lost,” we are reminded of the unending love and compassion of Christ. This hymn emphasizes how no matter how lost or far away we may feel, the Shepherd of Love is tirelessly searching for us, calling us to back to Him. Through His love and sacrifice, He offers freely, patiently waiting for us to respond to His call.


The Shepherd Of Love Is Seeking The Lost – Hymn Lyric

The Shepherd of Love is seeking the lost
In paths that are rough and steep;
He’s calling the lambs that have gone astray,
He’s calling, calling His sheep.

Out of your of and shame,
Into His love, forever the same,
Come to Him now, believe on His name,
O answer the call today.

The Shepherd of Love knows His sheep by name,
And tenderly leads the way;
O one, come to the Shepherd’s fold,
He’s calling, calling today.


The Shepherd of Love our ransom hath paid,
And offers salvation free;
He’s patiently waiting for thee to come,
He’s calling, calling for thee.


The Shepherd of Love now seeketh His sheep,
He seeketh whate’er the cost;
Behold, He is calling the wand’rer home,
He’s calling, calling the lost.


Meaning of The Shepherd Of Love Is Seeking The Lost

In this beautiful hymn, titled “The Shepherd of Love Is Seeking the Lost,” we are reminded of the unending love and compassion of our , Jesus Christ. As the hymn suggests, no matter how lost or far away we may feel, the Shepherd of Love is tirelessly searching for us, calling us to come back to Him.

The verse begins by describing how the Shepherd is seeking the lost in paths that are rough and steep. Just like a shepherd searches for a lost lamb in treacherous terrain, Jesus searches for us even when we find ourselves in difficult and challenging circumstances. His love knows no bounds, and He longs for us to come back to Him.

The refrain of the hymn calls out to all who may be dwelling in darkness – darkness of sin and shame. It tells us to leave that darkness behind and step into His love, which remains forever the same. No matter what we have done or how far we have strayed, we are invited to come to Him and believe in His name. The hymn urges us to answer the call of salvation today, to not delay in accepting the love and forgiveness that the Shepherd offers.

The Shepherd of Love is not a distant figure; He knows His sheep by name. Just as a shepherd intimately knows each of his sheep, Jesus knows us personally and deeply cares for us. He tenderly leads the way, guiding us with His love and wisdom. The hymn speaks directly to the weary , those who may be tired from their journey and in need of rest. It encourages them to come to the Shepherd’s fold, assuring them that He is calling out to them even as they read or hear this hymn.

We are then reminded that the Shepherd of Love has paid the price for our salvation. Jesus willingly gave His on the cross, taking on the punishment for our sins, so that we may be set free. This salvation is not something we need to earn or deserve; it is offered freely to all who accept it. The hymn tells us that the Shepherd is patiently waiting for us to come to Him. He longs for us to experience the joy and freedom that come from being in His presence.

The final verse emphasizes the urgency with which the Shepherd seeks His sheep. He does not wait idly by; He actively seeks those who are lost. No matter the cost, He is determined to bring us back into His loving embrace. The hymn describes the Shepherd calling the wanderer home, calling the lost to Himself. This imagery reminds us that no matter how far we have wandered, Jesus is still calling out to us, beckoning us to return to Him.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully portrays the enduring love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It reminds us that no matter how lost or far away we may feel, the Shepherd of Love is actively seeking us. He calls us out of darkness and into His love. He knows us personally and longs for us to come to Him. The Shepherd has paid the price for our salvation and is patiently waiting for us to accept His gift. No matter the cost, He continues to call out to us, urging us to answer His call and come back to Him today.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unending love and compassion of Jesus Christ in the hymn The Shepherd of Love Is Seeking The Lost. Embrace His call to come back to Him and experience His salvation.


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